Chapter 20

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Song: Don't Let the Sun Catch you Crying (Gerry and the Pacemakers)


It had been a week since Paul and I had kissed.

It wasn't awkward or anything but our relationship had basically gone from constantly arguing, joking, or wrestling each other, to constantly arguing, joking or wrestling each other and occasionally making out.

No Biggy.

But I liked where things were heading. Me and Jennifer were working on finding a way to stop my wedding and I was getting closer to Paul. Everything was going great.

Until now.

"Harry... Harry's dead?" I looked at Charlie who looked back at me desperately.

"Aurora, I... I don't know what to do right now." Charlie's words were just as I remembered them at my own fathers funeral.


Sue Clearwater sat with us, a sobbing mess and her children were no where to be seen. Most likely, Seth had shifted but Leah... No one knew where she was.

"I know chief. It's not fair. You don't deserve this." All I could do was whisper little nothings to him and Sue as I comforted them. Though I couldn't help but wonder why it wasn't his own daughter here in my place.

I got that Bella was avoiding me right now, granted I hadn't been to civil with her recently but this matter didn't involve either of us. So where was she while her father was suffering the death of his friend. The man had lost so much and now his own daughter was neglecting his needs after he put everything aside for her.

I was so mad I could scream but I couldn't.

Because harry was my friend too, and it felt wrong to be mad while mourning the death of the man.

"Do you think you'll be able to hold on for a bit. I need to go find Bella." I persuaded as Charlie nodded glumly. And reluctantly I left to my car.

As I looked at my car, memories of my own father's death rammed into me. I remembered how I felt like the world around me had ended.

I was mad every time I saw someone happy.

I was sad every time something reminded me of him.

I was furious at his associates who didn't attend the funeral.

But most of all I was mad at myself.

I felt like if I had asked less of him, or made him focus less on work, or told him I loved him more, he would've lived longer. But at the end of the day, I came to realize that everyone's lives end eventually and some people are simply taken too soon.

I couldn't help but feel the waves of emotions roll over me as I held back tears of my own before finally I drove off.


Just as I drove down the street to my house I watched as a girl and Bella got into a car and rolled off, leaving Jacob in the drive way.

"Jacob? Why did Bella just leave? Her dad needs her right now." I approached Jake as he looked up at me desperate and upset.

"She picked Edward... Again." Before he could fall to his knees I caught his fall.

"Hey hey hey, Jacob come on. Don't go breaking down on me ok? Just tell me what happened." At this point I was side hugging him as I brought him back into the house.

"Alice Cullen... One of the leeches came back saying that she had seen Bella jump off a cliff in one of her weird future visions. Bella did jump off a cliff but she didn't die. so they were talking and Edward called. I- I told him we were busy preparing for a funeral and he... he thought I mean't Bella's. Now he wants to kill himself and Bella is going to stop him... in Italy."

I looked at him in shock before easing into a sorrowful look and sitting beside him on the couch.

"Jake, she doesn't treat you right." I looked at him.

"But I- I've been in love with her for so long I don't think I know how to move on."

"Have you ever thought... that maybe it's not her you're in love with but the idea of her... Y'know, having someone who understands you and enjoys your attention. Someone you can love who you're comfortable around." I looked at him from where he sat as my words sank in. He was conflicted and it was easy enough to tell. "Listen Jacob, just because her name is Bella doesn't mean she's beautiful. At least not on the inside. I think theres someone out there that deserves you way more than Bella and she'll love you for everything you are and everything you're not. She'll be Stunning, with soft hair.... and she'll have this amazing smile with big eyes. And I bet she'll have a tattoo or something because she'll be a badass."

Jacob looked up at me before smiling lightly. "Paul got real lucky."

"I don't know about that. I think I'm the one that lucked out. I mean, my own mother kicked me out with no remorse nor hesitation and still I got this idiot who understands me better than I understand myself."

"Rory, he was lost before he met you. and your mother is a bitch for kicking you out and not realizing how amazing of a person you are. We all think that and... I know I've been a little rude to you, I guess my perspectives been a little one-sided but still, Emily has never had a friend who doesn't make he feel ashamed of her scar, Quil has never had a friend he can joke with, I've never had someone who could actually make me listen, and Paul... Paul's NEVER had someone who makes him smile the way you do."

Looking at each other I couldn't help but launch myself at him for a hug before he released me smiling. "Now, I know you and Harry were close and I think Paul's been wanting to see you so how about we get you out of here. You need some time too, ok?" He suggested as I looked back at him and nodded.


I hadn't realized how tired I was until Jacob and I pulled up to Emily's house once again. There everyone was gathered with Seth, and in the middle there was a container. It was wood with intricate Quiluete designs I had learned about at a campfire and that's when I realized what it was.

More specifically, Who it was.

as I Kneeled in front of Harry's ashes the group fell silent but I didn't notice. All I could Remember was the day mere weeks ago when he had told me he wanted to hear me sing his favourite song at least once.

"Don't let the sun catch you cryin'.

The night's the time for all your tears

Your heart may be broken tonight

But tomorrow in the morning light

Don't let the sun catch you cryin'The night-time shadows disappear

And with them go all your tears

For the morning will bring joy

For every girl and boy

So don't let the sun catch you cryin'We know that cryin's not a bad thing

But stop your cryin' when the birds singIt may be hard to discover

That you've been left for another

But don't forget that love's a game

And it can always come again

Oh don't let the sun catch you cryin'

Don't let the sun catch you cryin'."

I could feel the tears streaming down my face, and the eyes on my back. But my only focus was on the man I could only hope heard my song to him.

My final promise to a friend.

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