Chapter 35

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Song: I Get along without you Very Well (Chet Baker)


The church was silent.

The congregates just the same

And amongst the thick air, Leslie attempted to calm her breathing.

I was still, my eyes remaining harsh and pointed at the woman I never came to know.

No words were spoken.

No final comebacks or glares.

Only a room of anxious people awaiting my next move.

And it was in this moment that I thought of the situation I was in.

Unfamiliar eyes stared me down, my own mother being one of them. My feet were planted in the center of the aisle under what Leslie called God's roof. Every person I had known in California was here. Every maid who raised me after my father's death. Every chef who fed me when my mother refused, every associate I'd seen at the many galas we hosted, everyone. There also stood the future I was promised by my last name. A rich husband, a grand mansion and all the luxuries money could buy. The only condition being, I'd have to birth and raise children of Dalton blood

On the contrary, I had beside me a man who could not promise me a safe life nor a grand mansion. I had behind me a god-daughter whose mother needed help raising her, a woman with a scar on her face, and a group of people who would not kiss my boots nor grant my every wish. I Had before me, a town to return to with no big reputation nor wonderous scenery.

Yet I knew exactly which I wanted more. It's was almost too easy to choose, like the answer would've been the same regardless of my circumstances.

Because the man beside me could love me every day like there was no tomorrow. My Goddaughter could clear my mind of anger I didn't even know I had. The scarred woman was in herself beautiful and didn't hesitate to show me kindness. And the rest of them had made a community in this small town where I felt more welcome than I ever did here.

A final comment wasn't necessary for this situation.

Not anymore.

All I had to do was turn my heel and walk out.

And that's exactly what I did.

The crowd gawked at my actions as Leslie threw insults as well as desperate cries for me to stay but I didn't bother to stop.

I only continued, past the cameras, past the church doors, past the people, and without needing to turn, I knew that my chosen family was close behind.

The grand doors shut behind us and like a wave hitting me, I hunched over in relief. A silence filled the air as suddenly every event of the past 20 minutes hit me. My calm was gone, replaced with swirling emotions of all sorts but mainly joy.

I was finally out, free of the restraints of higher society, and never in my life had I felt a sensation so wonderful.

The group quickly rushed over to me and embraced me in a hug as comments flew threw the air.

"We were so worried." Emily cried into my shoulder.

"Paul wasn't even talking for a while there. You really had us all panicked." Jasmine included. I only chuckled lightly at her comment before standing up straight again. My eyes met Paul's and I knew I had made the right choice.

"So...when are we heading home?" The crowd looked at me oddly before breaking out into a sea of heartfelt smiles. Everyone was overjoyed and frankly so was I. I was about to cheer something as loud as I could when suddenly a sight caught my eyes. Most of the girls quieted down to look at what I was grinning at before following my line of vision to see Jasmine and Jacob.


Without skipping a beat I sent them a quick catcall before looking over to Quil with a cheeky smile.

"I guess the wolf's out of the bag."

"Hey, that's My line!" Quil complained halfheartedly as Jasmine and Jacob looked at me flustered, then away. but never did they leave each other's side which we all thought was the absolute cutest thing.

"Now, About the whole going back thing... we sort of all got here in a rush so we might need to stay a night," Jared spoke up.

"Don't worry about it. My dad had property all over the place so we should be able to stay in one of his condos." I informed.

The boys went quiet as a few people seemed to have a few questions for me but I simply shut them down by saying we'd talk about it later.

And so we were off.

Eventually, I made my way to the back of the group and matched my pace with Paul. We walked in comfortable silence but he hadn't said a word to me yet. The only thing he did was give me an envelope while we walked.

I didn't need to ask to know he wanted me to read it. So carefully, I did. Inside the envelope was the note I had left him before. But this time on the back there was another note.

"I won't give up until I'm by your side."
- P.L

I couldn't help but smile at the note but it didn't take me long to notice that the envelope wasn't empty just yet, further into the little package was a thin black leather string necklace. Adorning the end of it was a ring.

It was a simple metallic band with even simpler patterns carved along the outside. On the inside of the band was a word engraved in typewriter print that wrote out the word "promise".

"It doesn't have to be an engagement ring or anything but I've had it since the day after Harry's death. I wanted to make sure you had it."

Before he could finish I pulled him down for a chaste kiss and looked him in the eyes with a soft smile.

"We'll worry about setting a date when we're ready."

His eyes lit up at my statement but I think he didn't want to ruin the moment as he composed himself and took the necklace from my hands. Gently he put the necklace over my head, moving my chocolate locks out of the way.

"Thank you," I whispered taking his hand in mine as we continued down the road. I was now technically engaged again, and this time, I was damn happy about it.


The condo was just as I remembered it. With open windows all around and a beautiful set of furniture adorning the big space. There were three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living space, and a balcony overlooking the city. Definitely one of Dad's more expensive investments.

"So, what happens now?" Emily asked as we all settled into a seat.

"Ya, I mean. You just became a millionaire with a company. There must be some responsibility with it right?" Jacob jumped in.

"I don't actually need to do anything until I accept the account that being said... I think I know what I'm going to do." I smiled.

The group listened intently awaiting my explanation but I only returned their stares.

"Are you seriously not gonna tell us?" Paul said from above me while I looked up at him from between his legs with my back against the couch he was sitting on.

"No, I am not," I responded cheekily. All the boys groaned in irritation while a few of the girls just giggled. "Listen, all you need to know is that I'm moving to la push, officially. And that won't be changing." I explained.

After that, we spent the night celebrating. A few people still tried getting some answers out of me but I intended to keep my secrets to myself. After all, my plan was something I had to do on my own. So tonight all I could do was enjoy the company of the people I Loved.

I was finally ok, and I didn't plan on letting this Feeling go.

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