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after a couple days y/n had finally calmed down enough to actually make a plan rather then threaten dream into telling her where tommy is.

for some strange reason the girl felt as though her time left was limited, meaning she needed to work quick, and make sure she said goodbye to everything and everyone just as a precaution.

as soon as she had her head back she began forming a plan, and it was starting.

*as written in her journal*
step one; say goodbye.

she had decided that she would only say goodbye to the ones she was closest with, and not to say goodbye as in death but to say goodbye as in i'll see you soon.

with her weapons on her person and her bag carrying only the essentials she left for the community house.

with this plan it was crucial that no one knew of her real ideas, and so she made a fake story and reason as to why she would be saying goodbye for a while. she had rehearsed and engraved the fake plan into her mind so she wouldn't mess everything up.

she took a breath before entering the community house, and somehow both george and sapnap where there.

"hey guys" she said giving a small wave.

"oh y/n what's up" sapnap said excitedly, quickly getting up and giving the girl a hug.

"please don't be coming here to ask if i know where tommy went." george said, a slight hint of irritation flowing through his voice.

"no don't worry i'm not, i'm actually coming to say goodbye myself." y/n said as she finally let go of the embrace with sapnap.

"what where are you going?" george said.

"well i'm actually going to the big city to compete in a contest of strength and being completely honest i need some time away." she said with a laugh.

"i didn't know they were holding a contest this year, but i hope you do well." sapnap said as he pat the girls head.

"yeah you better bring back a metal y/n" george said with a small smile.

"thanks guys." y/n said as she cherished this last moment with her friends. "i'll see you guys soon."

after hugging her friends one last time she walked out the door, she felt a bit sad, knowing there was a possibility of her never seeing them or anyone ever again.

yet she continued walking until she found herself in front of philzas house.

she knocked on the door, and within a couple seconds he answered.

"hey y/n" he said as he welcomed her in.

the girl shook her head, "no i'm just coming to say goodbye, i'm leaving for a while phil..." she said

phil sighed, "are you going to look for tommy."

"yes... but please don't tell anyone, i trust you phil that you know why i have to do this." she said.

"i understand y/n, and i really hope you come back." he said as he gave the girl a hug.

"thank you." she whispered.

they two said their hopefully not final goodbyes and y/n crossed her first step off her list.

now onto step two.

step two: find devil man and say goodbye.

although she hated dream she still couldn't leave without saying goodbye, and so she left to the first place her mind would think of dream being.

their bench.

and somehow her intuition was right as she approached the man in green.

"dream?" she asked, as she made her way beside him.

"if you ask about tom-"

"i'm not." she interrupted, "i'm coming to say goodbye, i'm leaving for a strength competition today and as much as i dislike you right now i need to say goodbye."

of all people who could figure out her real plan it couldn't be dream.

"alright goodbye." dream said blandly.

y/n hesitated, "that's all i get? a simple goodbye."

"it's all you deserve y/n" he responded.

y/n couldn't even say anything back, all she could do was get up and start to walk away.

"i'm sorry dear." dream said through gritted teeth, as though it was hard for him to say that.

the girl only kept walking.

step 3: find ghostbur and force him to bring me to tommy

y/n had been walking for a couple hours looking in all the places ghostbur hung out. she was getting annoyed.

just as she started to feel her emotions overwhelm her again she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"y/n what are you doing all the way over here?" ghostbur said.

"ghostbur thank god, i need you to bring me to tommy." y/n basically yelled in his face. "don't even think about saying no, you're taking me whether you like it or not."

"well i was actually coming to find you." ghostbur said nonchalantly, "tommy wants to know how you're doing so i thought i would just get you to tell him yourself."

y/n smiled at the thought of tommy not being mad at her for not saving him.

"it's a long way, do you have everything?" ghostbur asked.

y/n smiled, "i do ghostbur, let's go."

and with that y/n had completed the first 3 steps of her list, she needed to know tommy would be safe so she could rest easy, she needed to tell tommy she cared about him.

the pair had left the dream smp and started their route to tommy, the two talking about ghostbur s past, and some regular small talk.

soon it would end.

ya you know what this is, this is the step by step plan to ending this book :|

a short chapter before the finale.

muah i love u all.

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