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y/n's house was a wreak after yesterday and the decision of tommy being exiled she had gone home and destroyed everything, she hated dream and she hated herself. she lost her best friend, and now she lost tommy. she wished she had never accepted tommy's offer, she wished she had stayed in her little cottage in the woods, away from the life of these dramatic bitches. (haha)

she sat in the centre of her room, staring blankly at wilburs note in her hand. it seemed like the only thing that had stuck around, the words of a dead man.

slowly she opened the note, and started to read

dear my love, y/n.

you and i both knew it would come to this. i am a bomb waiting to blow. i know you tried to stop it; to stop me. i'm sorry you couldn't. but i need you to do one thing for me; a favour. i'm not there anymore to do it myself but i know how much you love him, please y/n take care of tommy. i probably treated him too harshly but he needs someone like you in his life.
i need someone like you in my life.
maybe those years you weren't there made me lose my mind, maybe if i could've just stayed with you we could have lived forever in our own world.
but you were the eye and i was the storm my love,
you were and still will forever be my forever.

i promise we'll meet again soon, in a better world.
i'll wait for you,

but until then, please make sure tommy's okay, and be there for him.

love, wilbur.
(damn i really made y'all wait like fucking 4 months for that shit ahhaha ... my bad)

the girl sat there for a while, staring at the note in her hands. she felt like she had already failed, how would she look after tommy if she didn't know where dream had taken him, how would she be there for tommy if she could already feel her fire burning out.

she really wished she could see wilbur. she wished she could feel his presence once more, she wished so many things that realistically could never come true.

she had sat there for a while, overthinking and over stressing. but eventually things like that come to a end with a simple knock on a door.

y/n wiped her face before going to answer the door, and out of anybody coming to see her; the worst person did.

"y/n." dream said blankly.

"where the fuck is tommy." y/n yelled.

see y/n's flaw in her eyes was that when she was sad it would always turn to rage, she never had the chance to dwell or sulk because soon she'd just be wanting to throw a axe at someone's head.

dream sighed, "you can't see him."

"and why not? what are you gonna do to him?" y/n yelled as she stepped closer to dream.

"i'm not going to do anything, just keeping him from destroying my world any more." dream explained.

"this is my fucking world too dream, i know you remember you and me building it together. do i not have a say in what happens here?" she said, getting even closer to dream.

dream grit his teeth, "you lost your say here when you decided to leave. yeah y/n i remember us building this world together but i also remember you choosing to be alone rather then be with me." he yelled.

y/n's breath caught in her throat, she felt as though everyone had left her, and never considered how they felt when she left.

she didn't know why but her hand had moved on it's own right into the side of dreams face, knocking his mask off in the process. before dream could react properly, y/n had already pushed him to the ground and sat on top of him, throwing her fists into his chest and the sides of his face.

"i can't even remember what you were like before, and it's fucking killing me and everyone here, we miss the old you." she screamed as her hits only became stronger.

after every hit there was a stronger and faster one, the bruises already forming on dreams skin.

dream had finally had enough and simply pushed the girl off of him, he got himself up and put his foot down on the girl to keep her on the ground.

"fuck you." dream said, lifting his foot up and picking up his mask, a small crack now visible from the impact.

he sighed and walked right out the door, not saying anything more.

dream stumbled through l'manberg and into the forest, no one could blame him for being upset that someone who used to be so close to him had started to despise him. he would never admit it but, he hated himself for the way he treated people.

"dream you're dwelling again." a sinister yet familiar voice sang out.

"please leave me alone." dream responded.

dream felt something sit in front of him, the first time he had ever seen dream XD. his clothes seemed to float on their own while a mask mimicking his own sat upon the replicas face.

"dream i told you i could make you the most powerful man in the world if you just listened to me, you accepted my deal and now i feel as though this is one sided." dream XD complained.

"i made that deal to protect them, protect them from things like you." dream said, as he grabbed the collar of dream XD's shirt.

"dream i could kill you right now, but i won't because i need you to do more for me." dream XD said as he grabbed dreams wrist.

"honestly you should just kill me." dream said staring into the emotionless mask in front of him.

"well i still need your physical body so how about... i just kill your soul instead." dream XD said as he hit dream over the head, rendering him unconscious.

the last thing dream saw was a sinister smile and then nothing.


bad chapter in my opinion but it's fineneeeee:)))))))

hopefully see you soon:P

and by the way the only reason i did this chapter in one night was because i saw a comment on the last one with this cursed writing and someone telling me they need more so HERE TAKE IT . and for whoever wrote that, this is for you my love<3


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