12: ghosts.

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around two weeks had passed, l'manberg was being built back to its former glory. tommy had made a new friend whilst tubbo was constantly busying himself with the jobs a president has. dream and his friends hadn't shown up to l'manberg for a while, well since the election. everyone had started to settle back to normal, trying to forget about the deaths of their past leaders, and the destruction of a country.

y/n hadn't left her room since that day, she had taken it the worse. her nights consisted of her staring out towards the sky, always tears in her eyes. her mornings consisted of her ignoring anyone who tried to talk to her. but then again, she slept through most days.

she was sitting up in her bed, her hands clasping the letter. she couldn't even bring herself to read it yet, the pain of finally accepting wilbur was dead would be too much.

then angry and relentless knocks landed onto her front door, she had ignored it like always, and eventually it did stop.

instead a familiar voice filled her house, "y/n i know you're all sad and shit but i really need your help..." tommy yelled from downstairs of the girls house.

no one had just came inside, they all just left, like always.

y/n stared at the letter in her hands, biting the inside of her cheeks.

"tommy please now isn't the time." y/n said as she walked downstairs, the letter now placed into her ender chest. "wait who's this?"

"oh uhm, my names ranboo.." the tall boy said, he basically towered over tommy who was stood beside him. ranboo was running a embarrassed hand through his hair.

"listen y/n, we fucked up." tommy said, waving his arms in the air. "and you can help fix everything right? you always fix everything.."

although y/n was upset about wilbur still, she knew he'd want her to help the poor boy who not only lost his role model, but his brother too. "well first tell me what you did." she finally said, ushering the boys to sit down at the table.

"well to put it simply... we burnt george's house down..." tommy said while looking down at the wooden floor.

y/n put her hand over her mouth, "you did what?" she said.

"we were only trying to rob him, and then we accidentally burnt his fucking house down." tommy said, looking to ranboo for support.

"it was only a accident..." ranboo said quietly.

"yeah see and now dream is soo mad at us." tommy said, shaking his head like he was disappointed.

y/n leant against the back of her chair, "no shit dream is mad, that's his best friend! did you at least apologize." she said, sighing.

tommy and ranboo shared a look, "we didn't really get the chance too..." tommy said as he pointed out the window to a giant obsidian wall entrapping l'manberg.

y/n had been so caught up in everything she was dealing with that she didn't even notice the walls.

"oh my god tommy." y/n whispered as she stared out the window.

"can you help us, like talk to dream or something.?" tommy said, giving y/n a apologetic look.

y/n sighed, "fine tommy, let's go."

y/n followed tommy and ranboo outside, the bright light of the sun burning her skin. she had been inside stuck in her mind for far too long. the girl took a deep breath, the fresh air clearing her conscious.

that was until she saw dream.

dream was practically yelling at tubbo, his fists clenched and his stance tall.

"look tubbo i got y/n!" tommy said happily as they finally reached the wall.

"oh wonderful tommy." tubbo said sarcastically.

y/n stood awkwardly as everyone started to argue and yell at eachother, aside from ranboo. y/n sighed and zoned everyone out, her mind empty as she stared off into the distance. a bright yellow sweater catching her eye.

she bit her cheeks once again as she remembered wilbur. how he always wore that stupid yellow sweater.

"i want him exiled." dream yelled, finally catching y/n's attention.

"dream!" y/n yelled, making the masked man turn her way. "they made a mistake, that doesn't mean you ne-"

"they?" dream asked, turning back to tubbo.

"it was just me." tommy said quietly.

y/n understood now, he was covering for ranboo. "yes sorry, but dream he's just a kid and as far as i'm aware you have no rule or say in this situation. you're not the president of l'manberg, and i'm not going to allow you to try and rule over tubbo and make him do things you want." she said, a strong glare directed at dream.

dream scoffed, "fine." he said, turning back to tubbo with a smirk. "if you don't exile tommy, then i am going to build these walls higher every day, you're country wouldn't be safe anymore." he continued, earning a conflicted look from tubbo and angry yelling from tommy.

"dream you can't do tha-" y/n said.

"i can do whatever the fuck i want y/n. don't think you have the power to talk to me like that." dream cut the girl off, pointing his finger at her. "go home, you aren't apart of this situation."

y/n clenched her fist before turning and leaving, a small tear escaping her eye, one she had tried to keep down while dream was yelling.

soon she found herself sitting on the docks by the sea, her finger tracing the cracks in the wood as she watched the sun set. she might as well stayed outside for as long as she could before locking herself away again with grief.

her mind wondering back to the yellow sweater she saw, how it was laced with the memories of her childhood, memories of wilbur. and the guitar he would always be playing.

y/n placed her face into her hands, tears streaming down her face as she tried to hide it, hide any feelings.

then she saw blue being placed beside her, and a comforting hand rested onto her shoulder.

"woah i can touch you." an echoed voice sang.


y/n stood, and turned. "wilbur?" she whispered as her gaze fell onto the tall boy resembling her friend, and the way he hovered above the ground.

"no ghostbur!" he said happily, "you looked sad so i gave you some blue!"

y/n looked down at the blue substance in his hand, and down at the blue on the wooden docks by her feet.

within seconds she had herself wrapped around him, tears flowing from her face onto his sweater. "i missed you so much." she mumbled, taking a deep breath.

"oh... who are you?" he replied.


haha imagine not remembering
couldn't be me aha

side note: math is kicking my ass rn and i'm very hurt by it.

another side note: vote. do it. do it now. right now. i dare you.

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