11: wilbur

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everyone was sitting in the audience, clapping and whistling as wilbur took his place on the stage, tapping the mic to make sure it was working. y/n was sat in the front row beside techno.

"well, we did it." wilbur said, giving a small smile towards the crowd. "we finally got l'manberg back."

something seemed off

the crowd erupted into cheers again. some people standing and clapping.

"but..." wilbur said. "i don't feel as though i deserve this presidency anymore, i'm not what or who i used to be. so i've decided to resign as president."

everyone looked amongst eachother, confused looks stuck on their faces. y/n was especially confused, looking to techno for some form of reassurance, only to see his lips turned down and his brows furrowed.

"tommy, come up here." wilbur continued. tommy slowly got up, a bright smile on his face.

the blond stood beside wilbur, "listen tommy, i know what i said, that you wouldn't ever be president.. but, you deserve this more then anyone, my right hand man tommyinnit, please give your presidential speech." wilbur said, gesturing towards the mic.

tommy stood at the mic, he was to say the least, speechless. wilbur had already made his way off the stage and was now sat beside y/n.

"wow." tommy laughed, "thank you wilbur."

y/n smiled, seeing tommy so happy after everything he had gone through was amazing. quickly tommy's bright smile turned into a small frown.

"but i cannot be president." tommy said finally after looking at someone in the crowd. "you and i have unfinished business dream, the discs, and i can't be president until we're over, until i get my discs back." the blond continued.

y/n glanced behind her, seeing a smirk on dreams face.

"so i am handing my presidency back to wilbur." tommy finished, giving a bright smile. "you deserve it will!"

if anyone deserved to be the president of l'manberg it was wilbur, the one who had created it. unfortunately the look on wilburs face told a different story. he slowly made his way back to the stage, nodding to tommy as he walked by him.

"well.." wilbur said as he stood back on the stage. a annoyed look staining his face. "i am not fit for this presidency, everything i've done... it's important to say goodbye, say goodbye to my l'manberg." he scanned the crowd, looking for something, someone. "tubbo please come up to the stage."

"oh what?" tubbo said from his seat, he got up and fixed his tie.

"tubbo, if anyone is fit it's you, you always fought for l'manberg." wilbur said as tubbo reached the stage. "so please tubbo, step up to the mic and take your place of president."

the people cheered for the boy, a standing ovation. wilbur made his way back to his seat, giving y/n a small look before turning to face tubbo.

"well everyone, thank you." tubbo said, stuttering on his words. his speech continued, making everyone laugh at the metaphors he was trying to use.

y/n was more focused on the look on wilbur, and technos face. tubbo finished his speech and the people cheered and clapped for the boy, congratulating him.

"i'm so proud of you tubbo." y/n said with a smile, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"i can't believe it." tubbo smiled back, giggling quickly after.

l'manberg was finally free, finally safe from the people who sought to destroy it.

"i'll be right back." wilbur said to y/n, giving her a small nod.

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