13: exile.

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y/n pulled away, looking up to the pale boy in front of her. how could he have forgotten?

"you dont remember me?" she asked quietly.

"no, but that's okay we can get to know eachother!" ghostbur replied happily, placing his arm around the girls shoulder. "it's weird, i can't touch anyone but you." his voice had lowered slightly.

y/n sighed, "why can't you touch anyone?"

"because i'm a ghost!" he replied, letting a small giggle slip.

y/n frowned and looked away from him and back onto the sunset. it's warm rays protecting her from her anxieties.


y/n was running into l'manberg, well what was left of it. despite phil's protests of her going to see wilbur she still went. something phill knew that she didn't; this would only hurt her more.

she was now climbing up the rubble towards the room. whispering comforting words to herself the closer she got. she hoped he wasn't dead, she hoped she could save him, she hoped she could at least talk to him once more.

unfortunately, hope doesn't save people.

his familiar brown coat, stained red. and an ungodly wound or better said hole going right through his chest broke her.

she fell beside him, biting her lip as she looked over his body. for the first time in what seemed like forever, he looked like his past happy self, the one y/n had known all those years ago.

"wilbur please." she whispered, holding her hand to his cheek. "i don't know if i can loose you yet."

she could feel her heart breaking.

a once strong girl who would and could fight anyone was now sitting beside her arguably, best friend. her dead best friend. her tears would stain her face for weeks.

she held his cheek for a while, it comforted her.

footsteps approached her, a familiar tall blond stood a couple feet away in awe. even he had tears.

"wilbur?" tommy whispered as he sat beside the girl.

"i'm sorry tommy." y/n mumbled, taking a hold of his unsteady hand.

"no y/n he can't be..." tommy said, looking up at y/n then back at wilbur. "he can't be dead."

y/n pulled tommy into a tight hug, one they both needed at that moment. she could understand tommy's pain, although wilbur wasn't the best guy before, it would still hurt to loose a brother.

"tommy i'm so sorry." y/n said into his shoulder, "i never thought he would die."

"y/n you promised me you wouldn't let him blow everything up, you wouldn't let him die." tommy yelled as he pulled himself away.

"tommy there was nothing i could do." y/n responded through her own tears.

"just leave y/n." tommy whispered as he crouched down beside his fallen brother, "please."


"y/n?" ghostbur said, snapping the girl out of her daze.

"i'm sorry..." y/n said, leaning away from the ghost. she wasn't ready to see him, she didn't think she would ever be.

"why are you sorry?" ghostbur said, as he held blue in his hand.

y/n bit her cheek again, "i'm sorry i need to go." she whispered before walking back towards her house.

she tried to ignore the sad look on his face.

the girl fell onto her bed, holding the blankets close to her for any form of comfort. she sighed, trying to hold back the tears from falling again.

she rolled onto her side, glancing at her bedside table to see a note; the note. she sat up and grabbed it, holding it tightly in her hand.

she knew that once she read it, she would finally need to accept that he was gone, the real wilbur would be gone. the note was written by wilbur, the one she considered her best friend, not the one who lead a society into its destruction.

carefully she opened the envelope, and took the note out. she held it to her chest as she took a deep breath. she unfolded it, and started to read.

dear my love, y/n.

you and i both knew it would come to this. i am a bomb waiting to blow. i know you tried to stop it; to stop me. i'm sorry you couldn't. but i need you to do one thing for me; a favou-

"y/n!" someone yelled from the girls front door. loud knocks following.

y/n sighed and put the note back into its envelope and then back on her nightstand. "one second." she yelled.

after fixing up her appearance she opened her front door, to see a familiar sight.

"y/n hello!" ghostbur said, a cheerful tone.

"hi ghostbur..." y/n said, as she walked outside and shut her door.

"i asked tommy about you and he told me that i used to cherish you!" he said, smiling dearly at the girl.

y/n looked down at her feet, "yeah we used to be close." she responded.

"why do you look so sad?" ghostbur asked suddenly, making y/n look up.

the girl picked at her skin, taking deep breaths. she hated how ghostbur resembled how wilbur was when he was little. she hated remembering it.

"y/n i've been looking everywhere for you." tommy said as he spotted the two and walked up to them. "oh hello ghostbur."

"oh hi tommy!" ghostbur said cheerfully.

y/n sighed, "what do you need tommy?"

tommy scratched his head and fixed his hair, "well it seems as though i might.. be exiled." he said, glancing up at the two.

"they're going to exile you just because you accidentally burnt george's house down?" y/n basically yelled.

tommy was a child, who made a mistake. sure it was a big one but that shouldn't call for an exile.

"yeahhh.." tommy said, laughing uncomfortably.

"talk to ghostbur tommy, i have something to do." y/n said.

"what are you doing?" tommy asked, standing in front of the girl.

"i'm going to talk to george." she responded.


(prenote; vote. or else.)

uh oh y/n talks to george?? aha rip.

anyways, life's been shit recently:) that's why it took so long to get this out, but it's here now so accept it.

<3 enjoy

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