Chapter 16

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Third POV

"Since Lady Tsunade is ill, I will go in her place to the 5 Kage summit." Danzo Shimura announced to the council.

Meanwhile, at the Uchiha's place...

"Naruko! How are you? It's good to see that you are visiting us everyday like I asked you to." Mikoto welcomed Naruko to the Uchiha Head's house with an embrace.

"I always knew you would shine! You just needed a little training from strong people and then, BOOM!" Mikoto mimed an explosion while walking the Uzumaki to the kitchen, "Look at you! Beautiful," Naruko blushed, "strong," Mikoto 'flexed' her bicep, "and-"

"Kaa-San, I'm hungry, can I have breakfast?" A tired voice groaned. "Oh, I'm sorry Itachi."

"Hello, Naruko. Thank you for saving the village." Itachi spoke from his position on a table, face down. 

"Uh, you're welcome? And good morning?" She said shyly. "Hn." 'Why are you so shy? We're all family here.' Fugaku 'Hn'ed as he entered the kitchen. All the Uchiha members in the room glared at him. "You're the one who cold-shouldered all of us after the incident."

Fugaku grunted.

"Mowning." A baby voice said, before Naruko squealed at who it was. Sasuke had somehow become a baby.

"Aww, look at you! I knew it was good for you to henge int your baby form. It's so much easier to take care of the house and you when you're a baby, I- Naruko?" Mikoto looked confused, then sighed in happiness as Naruko held out her hands to baby Sasuke for a hug, which he happily obliged.

Naruko POV

EEEEE!!!! SASUKE LOOKS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed in my head.

Jeez, keep it down. What is it with girls? Kurama grumbled in my head. I stuck my tongue out at him. He didn't  get how cute babies could be, well, not until he drags me to fox land (where my fox summons come from) and finds himself a lady fox. But that's blackmail material for later.

"Aww, look at you, Sasu-Chan!" I squealed as Sasu-baby glared at me with such childish rage in him I couldn't take it. "Please turn into the teen boy again, I can't handle the cuteness." I cried anime tears.

Third POV

Sasuke undid the henge, and hovered over the cowering Uzumaki (she cowered in surprise). A smirk played over his face as he crossed his arms over his bare, bandaged chest. "Alright. I did what you asked. Now what?" He said playfully to the tomato-red Naruko.

Itachi and Sasuke high-fived, Sasuke didn't look away from Naruko as he did so. "Y-You planned this didn't you?" She grumbled at the 2 Uchiha boys.

"They sure did." An unknown voice said.

"Oh, welcome back Izumi-Chan!" Mikoto greeted. Izumi waved, then turned to Naruko, "And you must be the famous Naruko Uzumaki! Nice to meet my future sister-in-law!" She held out a hand to shake.

Naruko took the hand, but spluttered, "W-What do you mean?"

"What, are you going to ditch me later?" Sasuke said mockingly.

"Definitely, with that snooty attitude."

"Says the person who threatened to put a collar on me."

"That was yesterday!"

"The past sometimes defines us!"

"That line was EXACTLY the wrong line! Our past does NOT define us."

"Tell that to the textbook."

"That TEXTBOOK was written by Oro-Pedo."

"These 2, they always find ways to insult each other like rivals, yet they love each other to bits." Mikoto inverse-face-palmed so that she wouldn't get any impurities into the cooking.

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