Chapter 14

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Third POV

//Meanwhile, back at the village//

The no-more-rookies Rookie 12 were fighting to save the people. Pain had attacked the village, and flattened it in a moment. 

Currently, 4 girls of the rookie 12, Sakura, Ino, Tenten, and Hinata were fighting Konan. Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Shino were working with the other ninja, Genin, Chunnin, and Jounin, to evacuate the villagers and try to salvage the ones under the rubble. Sasuke, Neji, and Lee were fighting Pein, but they knew it wan't too long before they'd loose. Sasuke had a large gash on his side, his Chunnin vest was long forgotten, torn to shreds. Lee had tiny scrapes all over his body, but he could manage because he had his 2nd gate open. Neji' s cursed seal was shown on his forehead, his Hitaite somewhere lost. "We cannot loose. Let's go! FOR KONOHA!" Lee said. "FOR KONOHA!" Sasuke and Neji yelled and jumped into action.

(A/N: Fugaku, Mikoto, and Itachi were all helping the villagers into the safety zone thing, then camouflaging it with Sharingan Genjutsu.

//With Fukasaku and Naruko//

"FUKASAKU-SAMA! FUKASAKU-SAMA! KONOHA IS UNDER ATTACK!" A random toad yelled while hopping to the 2. Naruko didn't waste time. She ran to the place where she kept her stuff, and got ready to kick some butt PEIN-fully.


//Back with Konoha (A/N: for some reason my fingers wrote Todoroki instead of Konoha. Are the 2 names even REMOTELY similar?)//

Sasuke saw that Neji was drifting speedily toward Pein, and he was about to be stabbed by one of the rods the orange-haired enemy generated. Sasuke didn't think, he zoomed over so fast his speed could've rivaled the Yellow Flash's speed.

A loud SHHHHNNK was heard, and blood dropped to the ground, followed by wet coughs. Once the dust cleared, Neji could clearly see the blood from Sasuke's  chest, right where the heart was. The white-eyed (And Wide-eyed) Chunnin quickly grabbed Sasuke away from Pein's hand and retreated.

"SASUKE-SAN IS HURT!!!" Lee yelled to the girls who were nearby fighting Konan. Only Hinata heard, and she rushed to them. Actually, Hinata was Lady Tsunade's apprentice, Sakura had the perfect qualifications for being one too, but she didn't have the right mindset, so she learned in the hospital, though the hospital ninjas were not as great as Lady Tsunade. Right now, Hinata was the only one — seeing that Tsunade was out of commission — who could save Sasuke's life.

Said Uchiha was laid on his back by Neji, who somehow found the energy to fight Pein alongside Lee. Hinata immediately started to stem the flow of blood, then she removed any small bits of the rod Sasuke was stabbed with. Sasuke gasped and coughed up blood every now and then.

Suddenly, Neji and Lee were thrown back by Pein, but as the latter advanced, a sudden WHOOSH of air stopped his path.

Sasuke POV

Through my hazy vision, the smoke learned out, and what I saw made me widen my eyes in surprise. Though that simple action created more pain at my chest. I turned on my sharingan, which had deactivated when I was stabbed, and saw her. Naruko stood proud and tall, atop a toad, no doubt a summon, which stood on top of a bigger toad, which stood with 2 more toads of huge size. A red cloak with black flames at the bottom hung around her shoulders, and I couldn't help but think, she looked just like Lord 4th. That thought alone made me smile through the pain.

Third POV

Naruko was mad as she looked at her home. Only the haunted Uchiha compound remained, because it was outside the village walls.

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