Chapter 10

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Third POV

4 A-class shinobi, once great, now lay sprawled around the Uzumaki-Namikaze clan head, panting from chakra exhaustion. Well, everyone except for Gaara, who was Kazekage, he had to maintain decency.

"How... *pant* much chakra *pant* does this kid HAVE?" Temari wheezed. Sasuke was downright exhausted. His body finally gave up, and he slumped unconscious, sharp nose inches away from Naru's face.

Despite her exhaustion, Temari squealed at how cute they were. 

Gaara sighed. I'm SO done with this crap. He thought as he gathered some sand and picked up the 2.

Temari smiled deviously, "Put them in the guest room, together..." She laughed evilly. Gaara and Kankuro shivered, and did as she asked before they got blasted by any more wind.

//time-skip to evening same day//

Naruko was tossing and turning. Her nightmares were an infinite loop of 1. Sasuke getting cursed by Hidan, then Hidan stabbed his own heart and the same thing happened to Sasuke, and 2. The remaining Uchiha family killed by Sakura's own hand.

"NO!" Naru whisper-screamed out loud as she shot up in the bed. A dream? She thought.

Naruto POV

Yes, you fool. Kurama answered.

Kurama... I whined.


You meanie.

Can I kick you out of here now?

I harrumphed, then opened my eyes to check my surroundings. I instantly noticed I was in a bedroom, but how'd I get here. Then I noticed the slightly stirring lump next to me. "Naruto?" Sasuke called as he turned toward me.

Third POV

Naruto's face burned bright red as soon as she saw Sasuke turn toward her.

She did whatever her creative mind could do at that moment. She did a Hinata and fell out of bed, out like a light with a blood-red face.

Sasuke sweat-dropped. "Wha-what are you doing?" He asked.

"T-that's a stupid question..." Naruko said. She had awoken.

"Fine, then why did you faint when you woke up?"

"Wha- BECAUSE WE'RE IN THE SAME BED!" Naruto shouted, flustered.

"Why does that bother you?" Sasuke asked, back to his emotionless self.

"A man and a woman don't usually sleep in the same bed unless they're married, or they did some... stuff..." Naruto surpassed red and turned maroon. 

(A/N: I know there are couples that are gay, but please pretend that there's no such thing as boys loving each other and girls loving each other, I'm kinda keeping it traditional, like the anime. Please don't unvote or flag or hate, I promise that I support you people who like others of the same gender. I SUPPORT YOU! [I'm already scared about what might happen when people read this, I absolutely HATE when I offend someone, intentionally or unintentionally.]Naruto protect me please!)

"Oh, so you admit you ARE a pervert, huh?" Sasuke smirked and leaned on his elbow.


"Is that so?" Sasuke's smirk widened, but so did Naruto's glare.



"By the way, who DID set us here?" Naruko asked.

"I don't know."

"Hold on, what happened to me? Last time I was about to smack you back to konoha, then it goes black."

"You passed out, then Gaara examined you, saying it was something called 'Chakra coil burn'," Sasuke put up air quotes, which were prettier than usual because of his slender fingers, "And we had to flood your chakra system with our chakra without overloading it, and we were exhausted, then I think I passed out from chakra exhaustion." Sasuke rattled off.

"But then, the only person who would have devious ideas of putting us on the same bed would be..." Naruko's eyes darkened.

"Oh, Temari's in for a surprise." Naru said darkly as she got out of bed, put on her jacket, and headed out the door.

A loud "TEMARI!!!" Soon followed. 

With Temari:

"TEMARI!!!!" Naruto yelled as she chased said person all around the dusky Sand Village.

"You'll never catch me!" Temari smirked.

"FINE!" Naruto said before flashing away. She flashed to Gaara, who was busy making dinner. The poor fellow burned himself when Naruto flashed in, and since he didn't have his sand armor on, his flawless skin was marred and red. "Sorry Gaara!" Naruko yelled as she tossed a bandage roll to the redhead before heading to Temari's room. There, Naruto summoned (from a seal on her wrist) 100 pictures of Shikamaru (including the really steamy ones).

"Oy, Sasuke!" Naru called. Sasuke took a minute to get there (bumping into Kankuro and Gaara's  rooms. 

"What is it, usuratonkachi?" He asked boredly. Naru grinned and held up all the good pictures of Shikamaru (she left out the ten steamy ones). "Blackmail!" She grinned. Sasuke stared, the shock his head as if to tell himself, This girl ain't ever changing.

"Can you help me tape them in here? And give me a minute to shut the drawers and closet doors." Naruto put the pictures down and ran off to shut the closet doors and tuck in extra garments inside of the drawers, then closing them.

"Here, I'm gonna place these 'never-to-look-at-except-if-you're-Temari' pictures on her desk. Help me put these photo's up." Naruto asked. 

Sasuke sighed.


The 2 Konoha shinobi had put up all the good photos of Shikamaru. 

"So, what're these-" Sasuke flipped the top photo of the 'never-to-look-at-except-if-you're-Temari' pile.

"WAIT-NO!" Naruko yelled, but it was too late, he had flipped one and was staring incredulously. A Shikamaru with only shorts stared up at him (basically beach-wear). Naruto sighed.

I'm royally screwed.

Look you buffoon, what's done is done, and there's nothing you can do about it. Kurama grumbled.

Thanks Kurama. Naruto sighed.

"Where-WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE?" Sasuke asked incredulously with the tiniest shade of red. It's not everyday that you see someone close to naked. 

"From Ino and Choji a few weeks ago when Shikamaru decided to cheat on a Shogi game and won. Choji offered to get those photos, since, y'know, Ino can't get them."

"And you looked at these."

"Aww, overprotective or possessive?" Naru cooed mockingly.

"Both." Sasuke set the traumatizing photo down.

Naru blushed bright red again. That wasn't the answer she was expecting out of the Uchiha.

"C'mon." Sasuke pulled Naru in for a quick kiss, then dragged her toward the dining room. 

A small smile rested on Sasuke's face when they came.

(A/N: AWWWWWW I THINK THAT BIT ABOUT SASUKE KISSING MY NARU-CHAN IS SOOOOO CUTEE!!!!! What do you guys think? Type a comment, they're always keeping me going!

I'll get the next chapter in soon, I want to do 2 more chapters so that I have the same number of chapters in both of my books, and I can move forward more organized. Thanks for sticking around!)

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