Chapter 9

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"Yes but- Ara, Uzumaki-San! You were not supposed to get out of bed!" The medic scolded gently as Naruko ran out of a door to the others.


Third POV

"Gaara!" Naru yelled as she rushed to hug the redhead. Gaara opened his arms and engulfed Naru in a gentle, yet emotion-filled embrace. "It's been SO long since I've seen you!" Naru said, her voice muffled by Gaara's shoulder.

"You thinking what I'm thinking, Temari?" Kankuro said, anime tears flowing out of his eyes.

Temari was scowling gently. "Maybe next time, we should try to obtain a bijuu, try to kill Naru, then do all that stuff." She mused.

Naru laughed, while Gaara sweat-dropped. You don't need to envy my life, Temari, Kankuro. Gaara thought.

"Aw, you don't need to think like that!" Naruto hugged Temari and Kankuro together.

Sasuke just watched with a hand on his side, a playful frown on his lips. Of course, Naru saw this and ran to hug him, though this hug was VERY unlike it's predecessors. It was one filled with gratitude, love, compassion, and happiness.

Let me elaborate:

Gratitude: because Sasuke saved her from getting killed by the Akatsuki.

Love: because Sasuke loved her.

Compassion: because Sasuke awakened the Mangekyo sharingan.

Happiness: to be alive and not dead.

Back to the normal writing:

"Thank you." Only 2 words came out of Naru, she couldn't form any more. But for Sasuke, that was quite enough.

"Next time, keep the nearly-dying stuff to the enemy." Sasuke Said.

"You don't get to decide that." Naru said as she started undoing the super tight bun the nurses had put for her. She wanted to do that now at the hospital instead of outside because she did NOT want to deal with fanboys, no matter who. And wasn't that a good decision, because she only looked more beautiful as her hair hung to her waist. Sasuke resisted the urge to do something Un-Uchiha (A/N: You get what I mean 😏) like, and settled for the most unnoticeable blush, even Naru wouldn't see it because it was just a tiny dust of color on his cheeks.

"Maa, Maa, are we gonna have to leave so soon or can we stay for a day or 2?" Naru asked as she picked up the last flyaway strands and tied them back, leaving the rest of her hair free.

"I guess you can stay, but..." Gaara said, then in the fastest way possible, Sand wrapped over everyone's waist, Gaara teleported to the Kazekage's mansion, pouned on Naru, then started tickling her.

"No way, *more laughing* am I *laughing* loosing to you!" Naru Said between laughs and stared tickling the redhead back, who didn't laugh at all, but only smirked. "This is a one way battle, Imouto." Gaara said. Naru was about to run away when a HUGE blast of wind knocked them off their feet. They soon found the source, A huge fan and an ANGRY Temari.

Oh 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 everyone thought.


Everyone was in a sullen mood. Everyone's hair (especially Sasuke's) were wind-whipped into a pure mess. 

A cooled off (finally) Temari stood, no wind-whipped hair, no clothes in dissaray, looking as if she was ready for a battle (*cough cough* a picture *cough cough*).

"Temari... Not fair that you got all the good looks while we have to look like this..." Naruko pouted as she gestured to herself. Her hair was sticking up in every direction, and her clothes were crumpled. Sasuke laughed before Naru glared at him. 

"You're one to laugh, baka, look at you. Even without me blowing the wind out of you, you look like an idiot." Temari barked.

"No I don't." 

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." Kankuro and Naruko joined Temari.

Sasuke decided to pull a Naruko. "Oh, look at my fAiThFuL girlfriend, she isn't on my side, agreeing with me."

"Baka! Don't pull a-" Naruto reared up to hit Sasuke head, but before she could land a finger on Sasuke, she fell to her knees, then hit Sasuke's shins while on the way to the floor.

"Naruko!" Everyone yelled. Sasuke picked her up and held her in his arms. 

(A/N: I can literally see my future fans [ha, like I'll EVER have any fans] sing some random pop song about a guy holding his lover in his arms. You youngsters make me feel so old. I'm literally from the 18th century. *Ahem* back to the story)

"Wait." Gaara's quiet, yet forceful voice stopped all movement. "Let me see her." Sasuke handed Naruto to Gaara, who felt her stomach. "Chakra coil burn." Gaara simply stated, "Didn't any of you wonder how on earth Naruko recovered so quickly? She flooded her body with a mix of her chakra and the Kyuubi chakra, and took a part of the Kyuubi's will. The Kyuubi is still bound by his will, otherwise he could be a working partner for Naruto everyday, and she would win every fight. What we need to do now is to flood our chakra into her system, making sure the coils don't explode from excessive chakra." Gaara rattled off.

The redhead lay Naruto on her back and then grabbed hands with Temari and Kankuro, Sasuke held Kankuro's left hand. Then they gathered their chakra. "Temari, you do it." Gaara ordered. Temari nodded, then pressed her hand on Naruto's stomach, where her chakra center was. Slowly, Temari took the chakra from the others and seeped it into Naruko. She stirred, but didn't wake.

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