General Information

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Hello dear reader.

I just wanted to inform you beforehand that I'm no native speaker. So finding errors in my typing and grammar is very likely. If you happen to come across one, please feel free to point it out to me. It will only make the story better, and I'm always happy if I can make myself a better writer.

Also, I will point out that not all credit for this story should go towards me. I write this based about a game I have been playing with lots of other players. I take the liberty of referencing locations of said game and their names. Therefore, I do not intend to earn money from this story. I'm just writing this for fun, but still want to share it since I think some might enjoy reading this. Should anyone of the players mentioned above read this story and don't want me to use their name, it's fine to just tell me and I will take you out of it and exchange your name for another.

Without further babbling on my part, I will now jump straight to the story now.

I hope you enjoy.

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