Chapter 30: Alisha Quill

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"Destroy the wall? What? Using my hands?" I asked, starting to doubt how much I was willing to trust this voice.

"Well, duh. Go ahead, it's the only way you'll get out of here." The voice replied.

I forced all my doubts and worries to be covered by this new emotion I was feeling at the idea of being free, the emotion of excitement and anticipation. I then walked to the real corner of my room, and forced my two hands in front of me, getting ready to punch my wall.

Once I was finished with my desperate attempts to calm and encourage myself, I then started running forward, letting out what sounded like a battlecry. Once I saw the wall fast approaching, I closed my eyes and balled both of my hands into a fist, ready to punch the wall with all my might.

I obviously did not hear the crack of wood, and instead heard the crack of my hand breaking. "Oh, great gods!" I screamed loudly.

"You weren't supposed to punch the darn stone." The voice explained to me sassily and matter-of-factly.

"Then what am I supposed to do?" I groaned in sheer pain.

"Remember the feather?" The voice asked.

I thought back to when I had a pale feather in my hand, and watched as it burned away in my hand, turning it to ashes. "Yes? What of it?" I responded to the voice.

"You know that you have powers then? Powers that you can do whatever you want with? Powers that the Phoenix gave you?"

Wait... powers? Powers that the Phoenix gave me? I used to want to kill the Phoenix, now I wanted to find this Phoenix so it could help me and so I can help it with whatever it wanted.
I thought back to what I had thought of earlier, when I had put one and two together, and I shook away the thought. Definitely not. That theory must be wrong...

"Yes? Do you want me to use them on my wall?" I asked.

"Obviously. How else could you break a stone wall with just your bare hands?" The voice sassed at me.

"Good question." I responded, readying my hands to blast a great big hole in the wall, readying my hands for my escape.

That's when I heard a knock on my door. "Alisha, is everything alright? I heard a scream coming from your room..." My mom asked through the wood.

"Well, shoot." I groaned. "Thats my mom, well, my adopted mom to be completely correct, but either way I need to go and calm her down."

"No!" The voice yelled at me, and I froze completely. Next thing I knew, my vision went black, and I couldn't hear or see anything. All I knew was that I was in pitch darkness.

Only seconds later I could see and hear again, but everything had changed. I could hear my mom yelling from behind my door, "Alisha! ALISHA!" I could also see a large hole in the stone wall that barred me from the outside world.

"What just happened?" I asked, confused and slightly scared.

"You'll get used to it," The voice responded. "For now, the only thing that really matters is you and your escape. There should be a bow for you to do your hunting with underneath a burnt-down oak tree. It should just be a black stump in the middle of the woods. You'll find out about everything eventually. You go on, I'll take care of your 'mother'."

I nodded, and started running as fast as I could out the door. Only once I had reached the edge of the forest and heard screams did I turn around to see what had happened to my mother, but I quickly regretted turning around.

My house was on fire, and it was burning, burning to a crisp, with my adopted mother inside of it. The flames danced in the pretty blue sky, mixing with the frosty, cold air. Snow fell on top of the fire, but it wasn't enough to stop the flames from spreading throughout the wooden and stone house.

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