Chapter 11: Almaroz

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On the cliff of a mountain next to the ocean, Ladura
--Time Unknown--


White feathers laid on a seagull's back as it flew against the wind over the beach. It's beady black eyes scanned the sky, sea, and ground for any food left over by a random animal.

As it couldn't stand any longer against the wind, it flew down to the beach, where it started to call out, "ha-ha-ha".

The seagull waddled around, it's claws gripping tight into the wet sand until it found something, probably carrion or the carcass of a rotting dead animal, and bent down to peck at it, then eventually grabbing it in its beak, and then raising it's head to help it swallow the carcass whole.

An old-looking man with a long white beard was looking out of an open-air window at this ugly and disgusting scene, but instead of being shocked at a seagull eating any distasteful trash on the beach, he was slightly laughing. The old man threw seeds to the bird, and then more seagulls slowly crowded around for the feast.

The sun was setting, and it was just falling below the horizon line. Now that, indeed, was a beautiful scene to look at, unlike the seagulls and their dinner. It was a wonderful sight to see as the sun met the ocean, and rested there like a big glob of butter.

The ocean waves crashed against each other like a never ending battle of the sea. The old man was reminded of the trouble he had caused in the past by this, but the crashing of waves made him feel calm at the same time nonetheless.

The thing was that this old man was no ordinary "old man", he was the most powerful person in the entire land, and that was no lie. How he became so powerful, he had absolutely no clue. He also didn't like to classify himself as famous for being the most powerful person alive, he was only well known by the storm-seekers and a few royals, oh, and The Spreaders, of course. This man's name was Almaroz.

Almaroz, despite looking very old, was actually quite young in wizard years (which meant he could live up to 250 years), and at the mere age of one hundred and seven. He had a long white beard, only because he had let it grow and his hair color was a natural silver. Even at this age, Almaroz already looked like he knew all, he looked like a wise old wizard. He wore an orange robe with a hood. It was a surprisingly bright orange, and he stood out in his surroundings, which was a small cave-like home on the side of a cliff.

He had hazel eyes, and they flickered over the beach, watching both the waves, the sun, and the birds all at the same time.

He sighed, as it slowly became fully night, and he walked away from the open-air window and deeper into the cavern he shamefully called his home. He hadn't wanted to live in such a desolate place, but it couldn't get any worse for someone who wanted to live in seclusion, all alone, by themselves.

Almaroz moved his hands to lay calmly on his waist as he sighed, and looked around before scratching the left side of his head, while moving to sit down on the rugged bed he had in the cavernous room.

He held his head in his hands, as thoughts hastily flickered in his tired mind. He thought of the water nymphs, as he sat from a safe distance, watching them proudly stand up to Porthold, them having no doubt that Almaroz, who was 'destined' to be their savior, would wrong them and lie about the enchants he put on their tridents.

Almaroz studied in many different types of magic, and luckily, enchanting was his strong suit. Almaroz had been young at the time though, and acted foolishly. He was around the age of sixty to seventy, maybe closer to his seventies? Almaroz had eventually started to lose track of time in this abode he made for himself to rest in, especially after being the sole survivor of the first great Phoenix war. But that was a story for him to relive for another, different time than now. Currently, he thought back to the moment he first heard a water nymph scream in shock and pain, "I can't hit any of 'em! The tridents, they aren't enchanted, the traitor, he cursed them!"

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