The Start of Something

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Himiko POV

I tiredly woke up snuggled up into something warm. I didn't know what it was, but I rarely ever get to sleep next to something warm so I didn't mind all that much. Sadly I was already awake so I decided I would see what I was snuggled up into. Opening my eyes I saw a shirt that simply said shirt. I was confused for a second before looking up to see that mob of white hair and I realized I was snuggled up to Izuku! As I thought this my face flushed up like a tomato. Luckily for me, it seemed like Izuku was still asleep. That's good, I don't want to know how embarrassing it would be if he was awake to see me snuggled up like this so soon after we first met. 

I slowly moved away from Izu moving his arms around me. It took a second for me to realize that Izuku was also snuggled up into me. My face flushed up once again before I shook my head and continued moving to the other side of the beanbag. 

After moving I sat up on the beanbag and looked around remembering last night entirely. I slowly looked at Izuku and remembered what had happened to him in that alley. It's weird to think that he has one of the most powerful quirks, probably ever, and yet he still fears his old family. He's gone through so much and he's still trying to do good. He never deserved what happened to him. I wish I could remove his pain, but I know I can't. Instead, I'm going to help him in helping others, maybe with that, I can ease his pain. If only a little. 

As I was starring at him lost in my own thoughts Izuku started to wake up. I quickly looked away to make it seem like I wasn't starring. 


"Hey, Izu. Did you sleep well?" 

Flashback To Earlier That Morning (Izuku POV)

I woke up feeling something warm near my chest. It confused me as I know that I was sleeping in the trash piles at Dagoba beach, and even if I was at my old home it's not like anyone would want to sleep in the same bed as me. I only had an old mattress. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a Himiko. I quickly thereafter remembered the events of the previous day. 

I tried to move away from her but she pulled me back in. From what I could tell she was still asleep. Not wanting to wake her up for this and be embarrassed I decided to just go back to sleep and wait till she wakes up herself. Snuggling back up into her I started to feel safe like she was someone I could trust. I couldn't explain why but she reminded me of when mo- Inko would hold me when I was younger, before my quirk diagnosis. Even though I knew Himiko had killed before and I even saw it, it made me feel safe. I slowly cuddled back up to her smiling as I fell back asleep while noticing her doing the same. 

(Imagine they're on a beanbag)Back To The Present (Himiko POV)

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(Imagine they're on a beanbag)
Back To The Present (Himiko POV)

"Yeah," he then seemed to look embarrassed. "Sorry for falling apart on you like that back in the alley. We've only known each other for a day and I already had a panic attack, spilled my life story to you, and slept in the same bed as you. Sorry if I was being weird. If you don't want to see me again I'll understand," he said looking down dejected. 

I was in a mixture of understanding and confusion. Of course, this isn't what most people would consider normal but at what point was our first meeting normal? When we first met I killed two people and tried to attack Izuku, even drinking some of his blood. I thought he would be mad at ME! Thinking this to myself. I stopped when I noticed Izuku looking even more down. I walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. He seemed shocked before I started to speak. 

"When was anything about our friendship normal? When you first met me you saw me kill two people before attacking you. Instead of defending yourself, you decided to help me and even let me drink your blood. If anything you should be wanting me to leave," I said somewhat sadly starting to move away.

Izuku quickly picked up on my tone before saying "Yeah you killing those two people was scary and not something I agree with but I know that it was just because of the side effect of your quirk. Then after that, you offered to help me find a job. After that when I had a panic attack in that dirty alleyway you quickly ran in to help me even though I could tell you didn't know anything about dealing with a panic attack," Izuku explained before returning my hug. "The bad things you did weren't your fault. It was the good things you did that matter." 

I looked up at him and saw the sincerity in his eyes. I smiled, for the first time, someone understood how I really was. He understood that I wasn't evil, I was just someone who was doing what they needed to survive. I started to tear up a bit. 

"W-wha- H-Himiko!? Did I say something wro-" 

 "Thank you. It means a lot to me that you don't think of me as a monster," I said snuggling back into his chest. 

He seemed confused as to what to do for a second before hugging me and rubbing circles on my back in an attempt to comfort me. Someone understood. Someone cared. Maybe I won't have to hide who I really am anymore. Maybe I can safely be myself. 


A/N: I decided on adding IzuToga into the story. Not sure what I'm going to do next. I think I might make Izuku into a bit of a masochist while Toga's a sadist. 

Also, I think I have to clarify something about the difference between Izuku's quirk and All For One's quirk. All For One's quirk allows him to take and give quirks. The basic definition of his quirk. All For One's quirk allows him to take and give quirk's but when he does it, it causes extreme pain to the person involved. To the point where some pass out. This is different from Izuku's quirk where when he takes or gives quirks it's painless. 

The second difference is that when All For One gives someone multiple quirks, depending on the person, they might become mindless dolls due to the strain of multiple quirks. On the other side, Izuku doesn't have these problems. When he gives people quirks he passes on a piece of his quirk that lets him withstand multiple quirks into the other person. They can still have problems if the quirks are too different from their original quirk it can cause some level of strain. 

One similarity between All For One and Izuku's quirk is that they can disassemble and reassemble quirks to make quirks work in new ways. 

That's about it for now. Also, add in some ideas for what you want to happen in the story and I might add them in. 

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