The Hobo and the Detective Talk

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Aizawa POV

I got the pills from under Izuku's bed. I decided to take this to Taukauchi and have him update the file on Izuku. After walking to the precinct I entered and asked the person at the front desk to let me talk to Taukauchi. 

I walked into his office to see him sleeping. I knocked on the inside of his door loudly to see him jump awake. "Oh, Eraserhead? Sorry I was just taking a little nap." 

"It's fine." 

"So what are you here for?" 

"I have something I want to add to the Izuku Yagi case." 

That brought him to full attention. "What! Really! Okay, what do you have?" 

I pulled out the pill bottle from my scarf and tossed it to him and explained "I got a tip from a friend that a drug dealer that goes by Dabi had recently lost a client around the same time Izuku ran away." I wasn't technically lying. I hoped that was enough to convince his quirk as I continued "I had a suspicion that since Izuku was neglected so severely he wouldn't have access to proper pain killers so he would use less than legal means. I investigated his room and found this under the floorboards under his... mattress," I finished with reluctance to call what the kid had slept on a bed. 

Taukauchi looked shocked before asking "May I see the bottle?" 

"Sure," I said as I tossed it over to him. 

He caught it and looked at the label, reading it, before saying "This is the kind of stuff you'd find in a hospital. You said the drug dealer he got this from was named Dabi?" He asked. I nodded in confirmation. He then got a folder from one of the nearby filing cabinets before passing it to me. 

"What's this?" 

"It's the file we have on Dabi. From what we got on him he has a strong fire quirk and is very recognizable by his purple burn scars littering his body." 

"Thank you. Do you mind sending this to me. I still need to find Izuku and this Dabi person might have some idea where he would have gone," I finished. As I had said I still needed to find Izuku I saw Taukauchi's body stiffen up for a moment before relaxing. 

"Yeah, I'll send it to you," I proceeded to walk out towards the door when he continued "When you tell me where Izuku Yagi is." 

I stopped mid-step as he spoke "When you said you still needed to find Izuku, my quirk told me you were lying. So you know where he is and you're actively not telling me." 

"I'm not telling you because he doesn't want to be found." 

"It doesn't matter. He's still a minor and needs adult supervision." 

"I'm not letting him go back to the Yagis," I said as I turned around walking back to his desk "He's already got a job and a friend for the first time since he was four. From what that friend told me he's got an extreme case of nostophobia. To the point where when he got a message from his family he had a full-blown panic attack. I am not letting him go back to a place where he is in constant fear." 

"There's not much we can do without him here to testify against the Yagis. We have enough evidence to get him taken away from them if he came here." 

"I don't think he can even face them seeing as he's having night terrors of them as it is." 

"How do you know that?" 

"From that friend he mentioned. He helped them out and they helped him with his panic attack. Since they had a similar past they decided to stick together even in staying in the same place." 

"Ah, okay then. That still doesn't change the fact that he needs adult supervision." 

"What if I adopted him?" 

"He's still technically a Yagi. He needs them to relinquish guardianship of him first." 

"What if I didn't adopt him as a Yagi?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"He came up with a fake name he's been using. Can I adopt him like that?" 

"He'd need to be registered in the database." 

"You can do that." 

"I might be able to but it's not going to be easy and will take a while." 

"I can work with that. If you're willing to help."

Tauskuchi stopped for a moment, contemplating his next words, before saying "I'll help you IF I get the chance to talk to him and this friend of his first." 

"I can see if I can make that happen," I said as I left his office. I called up Emi and asked her if she's willing to help me convincing Izuku of something. 


Quirks: All For One, Fire, Scales, Face Change, Mole, Teleport, Self-Healing, Sing, (Blood Hunger), Clones, Electricity, Uncontrolled Strength Enhancement, Vampire. 

() means incomplete quirk. 


A/N: Okay so one thing I wanted to fix up with my current organization is my current system of quirk suggestions. Currently, I'm having a hard time keeping track of quirk suggestions. So because of that, for the time being, I'm going to be taking quirk suggestions from only this chapter onwards. 

Specifically, if they're listed in the comments of this paragraph. Please make each quirk suggestion a different comment. Don't just put them all on one comment in the replies. Save those for discussions on both the quirk and how he gets them if needed. This is for the sake of organization. Ask any questions about this system in the comments of the paragraph above. 

Sorry to everyone whose suggestions were in the previous chapters. If you want them to be in the story please leave them above. I might not add all of them, and for some, I might not be able to add since Izuku only takes quirks from particularly bad villains (like the vampiric rapist). If I can't make up an idea of why that person's a villain I might not add it. If you can and I like it I might go with your idea. 

Also regarding how Izuku didn't get addicted to the pain killers I want to mention that Izuku rarely, almost never, used the pills for more than numbing the pain. Not to mention he used different types of medication depending on the severity of the pain. He only used those pills that day because the pain was unbearable. He used more than needed because he had a pretty bad few weeks and needed something to numb himself for the next day till things died down. Sorry for not making that clear. 

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