His Problem Children

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Aizawa POV

As I held the kid in my arms he cried himself to sleep. I had absolutely no idea what to do, do I leave him here, do I wake him up, I don't want to leave him alone! Toga noticed my apprehension and pulled Izuku into her before saying "It's okay, go finish your talk with Nezu, I have him," I got up and was about to leave before she stopped me and said "Aizawa, thanks for taking care of him," with a genuine smile. 

I gave her a quick nod back before heading into Nezu's office. He'd just got done with the police and gave his statement and the files from the camera, editing the story a bit to make it seem like Izuku just had a minor healing quirk. The police left after having everything they needed and I retook my seat to continue our previous conversation. "Ah, hello Aizawa. Sorry about the disturbance, here's the papers you need to sign." 

I signed for Izuku before asking, "Can I also sign for Toga?" 

Nezu looked momentarily surprised, I'd never recommended a student before and now I'm recommending two. He quickly recovered though and explained that "No, you can't. A Pro-hero can only recommend one student." 

I was saddened by this for a moment. I'd have to tell Izuku that I got him recommend and not Toga, but then I had a though. There was someone else I could call to recommend Toga. I sighed, knowing I was going to regret this decision, before telling Nezu, "Give me a moment," and taking out my phone. 

An excited voice picked up on the other end and said "Hi Shota! Since when do you call me, it's usually the other way around!" 

"Emi, would you be willing to recommend Toga to UA." 

"Oh my gosh Aizawa, you're calling me to help with the kids!? It's like we're already a married couple!"

I sighed, already expecting this "So is that a yes or a no?" 

"Sure thing Shouta! Just have Nezu send the paperwork to my agency and I'll sign it!" 

"Good, bye." 

I heard Emi say, "Sure thing honey," before hanging up. 

I felt my face heat up before I squashed that back down. I turned to tell Nezu where to send Toga's recommendation forms only to see he already sent them and was smiling at me before saying "So you're already using pet names." 

My face immediately grew red and I did my best to hide it in my capture weapon. I turned and left Nezu's office as I heard his laughter behind me. I looked to my right to see both Izuku and Toga asleep next to each other. I smiled a bit before picking the both of them up and walking them to my car. It was a bit awkward carrying two teenagers, but it's not like it's the heaviest thing I've carried, and no one was around to see. 

I strapped them both in and we drove off, unaware I was being watched. 

Kayama POV 

Hiding in the bushes just outside UA I took rapid pictures with my phone. I walked back to the teacher's lounge to tell Hizashi only to see Nezu waiting for me by the door. "Ah Nemuri, you wouldn't mind if I tagged along would you?" 

"Not at all sir," to which he climbed on my shoulders. "I've got some juicy gossip on Shota," I said in an attempt to make conversation. 

"Oh, what a coincidence. So do I!" I was surprised for a moment before he whispered something in my ear. I smiled and laughed, "Oh, Hizashi's going to love this!" 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Sorry for not updating this for a while. I at first had no idea what to do with this part of the story. Then when I did I had school stuff I needed to do. Hope you don't mind if this is a bit late. Hope you enjoy the story! 

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