The Day it All Came Crashing Down

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Izuku POV

I was in class trying to make myself as unnoticeable as possible when the teacher walked in. "Alright, the class you need to do this career interest survey," He said to a sigh from the majority of the class, "but I know you all want to go into the hero track so what's the point!" he said throwing the paper in the air. 

Everyone in the class started using their quirks, everyone but a few people. "Teach don't lump us in with these bunch of losers," Katsuki said getting up on his desk. "The only people getting into the hero course is us," he said gesturing to his sister, the Todoroki twins, and my sister

"Oh right, Katsuki you and the others are going to UA!" 

"Hell yes, we are, UA is the only school worthy of us!" Katsuki yelled. 

"Oh, Izuku weren't you trying out for UA as well?" The teacher said, almost snickering before he and the rest of the class exploded laughing as I tried to sink further into my chair. 

Insults were being thrown at me from all sides before the teacher said "All right class settle down. It's still school so please back in your seats."

Everyone sat down, but I could still feel five sets of eyes on me. 

After class was over I hurried to pack up my things, I was packing up my last notebook when Shoto came up and grabbed it. "Whats's this some kind of diary?" He said before burning it and tossing it out the window. 

"Don't even try the UA exams DEKU, you'll just get yourself killed!" Katsumi yelled at me as the group walked away. 

"Hey," I heard Izumi yell back at me. "If you wanna be a hero so bad I'll give you some advice," I was a little confused. They never tried to help me before. "Why don't you pray for a quirk in you're next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!" She said to my horror and an eruption of laughter from her friends. 

"Maybe I will," I whispered as I walked past them and left. Along my walk, I decided to take a longer path home. Hoping they wouldn't catch me, or that I'll be able to avoid going ho- back to that house. 

Izumi POV 

"Did you guys hear him!?" I frantically asked the others. 

"What? The nerd ran home to cry?" Katsuki mocked. 

"No. After I told Izuku... that he said 'maybe I will.'" I explained to their collective shock. "Maybe were pushing this too far?"

"Like the nerd would do that!" Katsumi said trying to ease all our thoughts, not that it was helping much.

"I don't know, that look in his eye, they seemed empty. He seemed to be considering it," They all collectively looked deep in shock. "We should apologize, this was a stupid plan from the start. I mean bullying him into giving up. Maybe we could have just talked to him." 

"Maybe we did push it a bit too far," Shoto relented. 

"As soon as we see him we should apologize!" Shoka added in. 

"Do you think the nerd will accept our apology?" Katsuki asked, guilt-stricken since he was the one who suggested bullying Izuku in the first place. 

"It's Izuku, he's the kindest person in this school. Of course, he'll accept it!" Katsumi chimed in, hope showing in her voice. 

"As soon as I get home I'll apologize!" I cheerfully yelled. 

"And we'll do it right after!" Shoka chimed in, arousing a group of "YEAH!"s from the others. 

Don't worry Izuku, I'll apologize then we can be a family again. As I thought that a smile grew on my face. 

Izuku POV

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