Unscheduled Ending (REWRITE)

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I've decided I'm going to stop this story. I do like this story and I do plan to rewrite it, but the current version is not up to my standards. This was my first story, it meant a lot to me. Even with that case, my first story was... flawed. I'm going to let you all in on a secret, I didn't know thief was spelled thief and not theif. When it was made known to me I just decided to leave it as it was because I didn't want to admit I was wrong. Not to mention the way I wrote the tile was bad. It was too simple and didn't portray what this story is really about. As someone else said, theif, suggested that he was a common mugger or burglar. I made a lot of mistakes in this, not to mention I never made a google doc for this story so I can't make edits while at school, a problem which resulted in updates being low to nonexistent. Overall this story was made with a lot of mistakes, mistakes that I'm not willing to fix. Let this story be a reminder for me in the future, a reminder of how far I've come. To everyone who's been reading this story, I hope I don't disappoint. I plan to make a new, and hopefully better, version soon. Keep an eye on my account for that. The main plot points will be kept the same and you know I'm going to be keeping the IzuToga ship. I hope you like the new one as much as the old one. To those who like this story, I hope I can inspire you to make your own stories. I'll be seeing you all real soon! 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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