Catching Up With the Yagis

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Toshinori POV

For the last few months, I had been trying to see if I could find anyone who knew anything about where Izuku went. I didn't have the connections that Aizawa did. That's why he was called. He's an underground hero, one that could talk to the denizens of the criminal underworld without raising alarms. That is one thing daylight heroes cannot do, we're too well known that when we try and talk to the people Aizawa does, they don't trust us. It makes sense, but it doesn't make things any better. I assume Inko's having the same problems. She's a fairly well-known hero who would have more problems than me since she can't transform herself. 

I wanted to find him so I can apologize and give him One For All so he could be a hero. When I had figured out he had All For One I was surprised and hesitant about the idea of giving him One For All. How would it mix with his own quirk? Would he end up like the true One For All? I don't think he would. From the few memories I have of him when he was young he never was one to try and hurt others. Those memories were only reinforced by Izumi's accounts. She said he was always one to try and help others. Even when the ones he was protecting didn't ask for protection, or were previously his bullies, he still helped him. He is a true hero. 

It's a shame that I never saw that before. Maybe if I had, things would have gone better for us. We could have been a family properly. If it weren't for me forgetting the roots of my once quirklessness we could have been a family. It's all my fault I thought as I started crying. If I had been a better father to both Izuku and Izumi wouldn't have had the idea that bullying Izuku into submission would have been a good idea. If I had been a better father I none of this would have happened. 

As I was sitting there feeling guilty I heard a knock at the door. I wiped my tears, trying to make myself look at least somewhat presentable, and got up and opened the door. Aizawa was standing outside. 

"Oh. Hello Aizawa. Have you found anything?"

Aizawa stopped for a moment before saying "No. I'm just here to investigate a hunch. Do you mind letting me in?" 

"Ah, of course," I said as I let him in. 

He quickly walked to Izuku's old bedroom. Neither Inko nor I had the will to change Izuku's room. It was the only connection we had with him. We promised each other and ourselves that when Izuku came back the first thing we would do is properly furnish his room. 

Aizawa entered his room and started to scan the area. He scanned from the rightmost wall to the left before stopping on the dirty mattress Izuku had spent the last ten years of his life, all because I never wanted to even give him the time of day. 

He walked over to the mattress lifting it up and scanning the floorboards once again before stopping on one that was loose. He pulled it open and reached for something inside. He scrounged around for a few seconds before pulling something out. A pill bottle. 

"What is that?" I asked shakily. I had a vague idea of why he would have these and I hoped he was only using it for the pain. 

"Strong pain killers. Not the kind you can get from the pharmacy. These are the kind that is illegal for him to have or buy from anywhere but a hospital and I'm going to assume you've never taken him to one. Right?" He asked in a rightfully accusatory tone. 

I only looked down mournfully in response. There was nothing I could say, he was right. "I guessed as much. I heard from a friend that there was a drug dealer in the area that sold strong pain medication. I heard from some people that apparently he had lost one of his customers randomly a few months ago." 

"What does this mean for the investigation?" 

"It means that he might go back to his old dealer. From what I heard from some of his other customers he had taken a liking to Izuku due to similar pasts. The exact nature of his past is not known, but apparently, he suffered abuse from a hero family," he said with some venom laced in his voice. I once again didn't say anything, I couldn't, I deserved it. 

"So what are you going to do now?" 

"I'm going to see about finding him and getting some answers."

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked optimistically. If this was m chance to find my son I was ready to do anything. 

"No," he said harshly, "If he sees a pro hero he'll go running. If we take him in he won't say anything. And besides, he probably knows you're Izuku's father, he won't be willing to work with you." 

I knew he was right but it didn't help much. I hate this. I hate that I couldn't do anything to help my only son. I'm not even sure if I still have the right to call him after this. Aizawa took the pills and walked out of the house, to talk to Naomosa I assume. I closed and locked the door after him. Once the door closed after him I leaned up against the door sliding down it crying. 

Between tears, I sniffled out "Izuku. I'm so sorry." 


A/N: This is the first time I've done something with Toshinori in a while. I tried to make him seem as sorry and miserable as possible while still trying to catch you up with everything tha

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