First Meeting With The Hobo

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Izuku POV 

I was having a nice nap when my late-night alarm went off. I didn't want to get up, but the thought of the alarm waking up Toga was enough for me to wake up and turn it off. In the past few months, Toga and I have been living together. We both had our own sleeping bags, Toga got a deep red one while got a forest green one. After a month we started to set up our sleeping bags so they were right next to each other. We did this because of my nightmares, I tend to wake up in the middle of the night terrified with no idea where I was. I would dream I was still with the Yagis. 

Toga somehow always knew when I was having a bad dream and woke up to comfort me. I didn't like it at first, I didn't want to be a bother and make her wake up just to help me with some silly dreams, but she always shushed me and said that it was her turn to help me. To be honest it did help. Whenever I would have nightmares back when I was with the Yagis there would be no one to help me and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. I had to keep quiet while I was asleep or having a nightmare because otherwise, Izumi would beat me later at school because I woke her up. Ever since I met Toga though she was always there to help me. She was so amazing. I didn't deserve her. 

Since I usually woke her up with my nightmares I would always shut off my alarm before she woke up so she could get some sleep. I got dressed in some normal clothes before teleporting to an alley near the bar. Walking in and going to Mr. Amaya I said "Hey Boss!" 

"Ah hello, Tamotsu. The stage is already set up for you. Let's see what kind of song you have today," He said while whipping down a glass. 

"Okay, sir!" I said giving a mock salute. Over the months since starting this job, I had eventually told Mr. Amaya some of the truth about me. I told him I was an abused child of a pro hero and I  ran away, changing my name. He was surprisingly understanding even offering me a place to stay if I needed it. I refused. I didn't want to burden him. He conceded before saying that if I ever needed a place to hide and lay low I could always come to him. Even though I hoped that time never came to pass I was glad that I had not one but two people I knew I could rely on. 

I walked up to the stage and took my place by the mic. Nearly the entire bar had turned to watch me. Most of the people who went here were regulars and knew who I was. I felt multiple eyes looking on me with either anticipation of my song or confusion as to why a child was singing at a bar late at night. There was something off about tonight though. I felt a gaze that seemed different from the rest. I shook it off and started singing. 

Aizawa POV 

I was at a bar later at night with Emi, or as she's more commonly known as her hero name Ms. Joke. She had been pestering me all day and I finally cracked and decided to go with her on this "date." It was more of a stroll around town. We continued till it was late at night almost the next day. I was ready to turn in before Emi spotted a bar and dragged me inside. We sat down and she ordered some small burgers and fries for both of us. Neither of us wanted to get drunk because we knew we needed to go to our jobs tomorrow and we didn't need to be hungover. We were just talking while eating before we heard a "Hey Boss!" come from the entrance. 

Neither of us thought much of it. It was just a worker coming in for their shift or something. It wasn't until the entire bar seemed to go quiet that we finally noticed something was happening. Looking around we noticed a stage set up and a white-haired CHILD was upon it! I was confused for a second before I was enraged. Why was this Child in a BAR! I was going to go up and talk to the man behind the bar before the child started to sing. 

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