So Close

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Izuku POV

Toga and I were on our way to the bar. We were hoping to see Eraserhead and Ms. Joke at the bar. We had gotten closer to them over time and now we were looking forward to meeting them. We were still wary around them. Toga told me about how they said they knew who she was and her record and that they told her she was on thin ice. I can't fault them for being cautious. I hope that we can hopefully one day convince them that she's not like her old self and she has improved. 

We made it to the bar fairly fast seeing as we were walking on foot instead of me just teleporting us there. We got in and Toga went over to the same booth we used when Joke and Aizawa were around. I said hi to the boss and got ready to go onstage. I walked up and thought about what song I would sing. I finally settled on a song I thought would be something I would like. It's a bit depressing, all my songs are, but it is how I feel. I choose the song, walked to the mic, and started singing. 

I finished the song and went over to sit down next to Toga. Before I could I noticed there was someone in the corner of the booth who was hugging Toga! I felt something rise inside me, and I wanted nothing more than to pull him off of her. I tried my best to keep the rage from showing on my face until I got closer and I heard that the man was sobbing. I calmed down a little, deciding to save my wrath until after I knew the situation. 

I wasn't sure what to say so I just walked up and asked "Hey Toga. What's happening here?" 

"Oh! Zuzu-kun! This guy was in our booth drunk and was telling me that something happened to his sister. He hasn't told me that much, just that someone did something to her." 

It was then that the man spoke up, just loud enough for us to hear him "They killed her." 

Both me and Toga immediately recognized the seriousness of this situation. Knowing that someone this man cared for was killed I decided to ask "Who killed her?" 

The man, between sobs, answered "This gang of people. They killed her and stole her money. It happened in the back of our family store. I saw it on the camera after the fact." 

I was furious. These people were horrible. If they wanted money they could have gotten the money and ran and everything would have been okay. Instead, they decided to just kill her. These are the kinds of people that cannot be left to roam free. These are the kind of people that deserve the hell of being quirkless. "What about the police? The pro heroes?" 

"They've been evading the police and pro's for weeks now. No one knows how to find them." 

"Can you tell me where it happened?" 

"It was newer my home." 

"Can I walk you there?" I asked. I wanted to figure out where this guy lived because it would be close to where the gang of people was. 

"WE will help you home," Toga said. I was about to tell her that she should just head back home and let me take care of this but she shot me a look to say it was not up for discussion. "Do you know what they look like? What quirks do they have?" 

"All I saw was that they all had shadow-based quirks." 

"We can work with that," she continued. 

Toga and I started to walk with the man home. At some point in his drunken stooper, he complained that he could walk on his own and Toga decided to let him walk instead of trying to fight him. Soon after that I pulled her out of earshot and asked "Himiko! What do you think you're doing!? You heard Eraser! You're on thin ice as it is!" 

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