Old Family

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Toshinori POV

Inko, Izumi, and I were sitting at the dinner table. Inko and I have spent the last 5 months looking for Izuku. Now it's been almost 6 months. Inko has been working a lot less as a pro hero. Green Tornado, her hero persona, has fallen in the ranks from 8th to 12th. I haven't been able to slow down my hero work as much. The hero public safety commission (HPSC) wouldn't let me. They told me that I had to keep up appearances or people would start asking questions. Questions what would eventually lead people to find out what I did to Izuku. To be honest, I didn't care, I wanted to tell people so that I can publicly ask my son to come home. They convinced me out of it by saying that I was a symbol and if I did that people would stop believing in me and crime rates would skyrocket. 

I knew they were right. That doesn't mean I agree with them. I was stupid in my youth to make myself into a symbol of peace, now I realize that once that symbol falls, so will this peaceful society. A part of me told me that the society I was protecting is the same one that drove Izuku away from us. That because that society told us to look down on quirkless people and we listened, we lost our son. 

Our meal at the dinner table was silent. That is until the silence was interrupted by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Naomosa. I felt a bit of hope. Maybe they had found Izuku. Then there was the dread at the idea that they might not have found him alive. I quickly excused myself in the event this wasn't about Izuku, I don't want any private information leaking out. 

I put the phone up to my ear and answered "Hello." 

"Hello, Toshinori. I need you, your wife, and your daughter to come down to the station. Only you three," Naomosa quieted for a second before continuing "We found him." 

I was so overjoyed I couldn't help the smile that made its way on my face. "Okay, we'll be there right away," I said hanging up the call. 

I quickly ran back to the dinner table and said "They found him! He's at the station!" 

Inko and Izumi immediately got up and got everything they needed. We all went out to the car and drove down to the station. 

As we were driving down Izumi looked nervous so I asked her "Izumi are you alright?" 

She looked up at me for a moment, contemplating her answer and said "I'm glad we found him. I'm just scared. What if he hates me now? It's not like I could blame him, I'd hate me too if I were him." 

I didn't know what to say to that. I just gave her and honest answer and tried not to sugarcoat it "All we can do it promise to be better and hope that he gives us the chance." She seemed to accept that answer. 

The rest of the drive was silent. We arrived at the station only a few minutes earlier. We all rushed out of the car and into the station asking the receptionist to see Naomosa. He came out soon after and called us over to him and he asked us to follow him. 

We arrived at a interrogation room. I decided to ask him about it, "Tsukachi." 


"Why are we at an interrogation room?" 

"He asked to talk to you in private, but wanted me to be nearby just in case." 

I was in shock. My son was afraid of us. I could understand to a certain extent, but we never hurt him besides Izumi. I decided to ask the detective "Why does he want you nearby? Is he afraid of us?" 

Tsukachi gave us a look as if to ask 'Are you serious' before continuing by saying "He's afraid he'll have a panic attack and he wants someone he trusts closeby just in case. Me and a friend of his will be on the other side of the glass while Eraserhead is already inside waiting with him for you." 

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