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Izuku POV

I woke up in my bedroom trying to ignore the pain of Izumi's last round of beatings. Katsuki had hurt me pretty bad. I got up and went over to where I kept the stronger pills. Normally a kid would have a hard time getting their hands on this type of medication. It isn't exactly legal for even an adult to have this, which is why I keep it under the floorboards where nobody can find it. Not that I think anyone would be looking. I looked at the pills and checked how many I should take. Two pills for an adult. So since I'm younger I should only take one? I think that's right. 

I took the pill and was going to put the bottle back where it belongs. I took another look at the bottle before taking another two pills. Soon enough I felt the pain of my wounds numbing as my mind went all fuzzy but in a good way. I smiled, proud of my actions as I cleaned up my latest burns and any cuts I could find. I usually only take these pills if I'm really hurt. I take more if I think today's going to be a particularly bad day.  If I'm going to die I don't want to die of an infection, that would be painful and would leave me unable to take care of myself. Mom and dad haven't gone in my room since I was four so it's not like they'd notice. Even if they did I doubt they'd care. 

Maybe Izumi and her friends would notice the distinct lack of a punching bag. Though considering how good I've gotten at avoiding her and her friends I doubt she'd notice for a while. Maybe that one idea would work. Actually, never mind. I don't have the money to buy the rope, not to mention I don't know how to tie a hangman's knot. I put on the cleanest uniform I have and got ready for school still feeling that nice fuzzy sensation in my head. I grabbed the old iPod I found on the beach. I managed to fix it up and get it working again. Using the headphones I found at school I put on a song as I walked to school humming the tune. 

Before I knew it I was at school. I put the old iPod and headphones in an old tree with a hole in it to hide. I knew better than to take anything I liked into the school. Soon enough I was getting my daily beat down. That's the downside of taking too many pills. It makes me unable to reliably run away. This continued throughout the day. That is until the end of the day. 

I left school though something didn't feel right. It felt like I was being watched. I knew better than to not trust my gut. I decided to leave my iPod in the tree and hope someone doesn't take it. 

As I was walking down the street I was suddenly grabbed from a nearby alley. It was Katuki that grabbed me. He threw me to the ground and started kicking me saying "WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID IN CLASS TODAY NERD! DO YOU REALLY THINK A USELESS DEKU LIKE YOU CAN BE A HERO!? HA! DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH!" I was trying to think of what he was talking about, but I couldn't think of anything. I guess the drugs made it harder for me to tell what was happening. Before I knew it there were four more feet stomping on me. 




"WHY DID I HAVE TO BE RELATED TO A SHITTY USELESS DEKU LIKE YOU!" said Izumi. Her voice hurt worse than any of the others. It hurts when it comes from a bully, but it hurts so much worse when it comes from your own flesh and blood. 

As I was thinking this I felt the familiar feeling of Izumi's telekinesis pick me up. Then a rush of force and heat was launched into my stomach. An explosion. I could feel a trickle of blood, but I didn't get to think about that for too long. Soon enough I felt a wave of cold go over the spot I was just blasted in. Whether it was the pills, the pain, or my crying I couldn't see who it was that attacked me though I assumed it was a Bakugou followed by a Todoroki. 

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