emotional bomb

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I was doing my daily work, just arranging bouquets and taking care of my flowers. The bell rang, meaning that someone entered the shop.
'Buongiorno! I greeted, but the face that appeared in front of me left me cold. What are you doing here?'
'Sorn, let me talk to you.' he murmured, not talking to me.

He comes in my home and now my shop. I can't stand this man.

'I don't feel like we have anything to talk about.' I said indifferently.
'I'm leaving today. I wanted to give you this.' he whispered and gave me a little box.
'Gifts don't impress me, father, you should know that. But who are you to care about your daughter?' I laughed ironically.
'I remember everything, Sorn. I'll go now.'

He put the box on the table, turned around and left, without saying any word. I watched him through the glass windows, but he didn't bother to look my way.

I took the box in my hands and slowly open it. Maybe it's a fucking bomb. It wasn't a bomb, at least not a physical one. But it was an emotional bomb for sure.

The box contained a paper, folded multiple times, and a necklace. It was a simple silver necklace, with a pendentive in form of a circle. I sighed and put it back. I didn't want to read the note, at least not now.

My shift ended pretty late and I had to hurry home to pack some clothes for the weekend. We decided to leave at 5pm and Ethan was supposed to drive us there.

I only packed a few things: tshirts, shorts, dresses. It was July and the weather was too much to handle sometimes. I looked in my room in case I forgot to pack something and I saw the tiny box. This will kill your mood, don't read it. I wanted to so bad, but I knew it wasn't good for me.

I put it back in my purse and went in the living room where Thomas was reading.
'Is Ethan here?' I asked sitting next to him.
'He will be here in 5, he smiled. Are you ok?
'Yeah, a little tired' I answered, but he scrunched his nose in dissaproval.

We both waited for Ethan's call to tell us that he arrived, then went outside. The car was large and the windows were black-tinted. Ethan got out of the car and opened the door for us like the gentlemen he was.

'Are you ready for a five hour ride where Damiano sings like a motherfucker literally non stop?' laughed Ethan.
'I'm not sure' I giggled.

I went and hugged Meike and Vic that stood in the front seats. Damiano was in the back ones, grinning.
'Hi' I smiled and hugged him.
'I am way to excited for this, he laughed. How was your day?'

I wanted to tell him that my dad came to see me, but I didn't want to ruin his mood. I sat down next to him, shrugging.
'Nothing special' I answered.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but Ethan blasted music and everyone bagan singing. We all looked so happy to get out of Rome even if it was only for a couple of days.


'Sorn.. we're here' I heard Damiano whisper in my ear and I woke up instantly.

I didn't even realize I fell asleep on his shoulder. I rubbed my eyes looking out of the window. It was a big house somewhere in the mountains. We were surrounded by a forest and there was also a river.
'It's pretty, isn't it?' asked Damiano looking at me.

I nodded and took his hand to get out of the car. Meike and Vic were already outside, smoking.
'Come on in' laughed Thomas from inside of the house.


It was 4am and everybody was probably asleep at that point. I felt tired, but not sleepy. The room was pitch dark and it felt comfortable. Damiano moved on his other side and I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to fall asleep.
I stood up trying not to make much noise and I grabbed my diary, then left the room. The house was quiet, meaning that everybody was sleeping.

I went out in the garden and looked around for a spot where I could write. I walked to the river and sat on a bench, them began writing.


Lately life started to look more pleasing, but at the same time I can't manage to find happiness. He makes me happy, but the guilt I feel is inexplicable. Is honesty the best policy? Because all of this started with a lie, a secret, and I can't keep hiding this from him, from them.

unconditionally, Sorn


Eventually I fell asleep at 6 in the morning, getting only 3 hours of sleep before Damiano woke me up.
'How did you sleep?' he asked stroking my face.
'I had a hard time sleeping to be honest' I yawned and rubbed my eyes.
'You should've wake me up' he frowned his eyebrows.
'No worries. Let's go to the others' I laughed.

I liked the concern that he showed. I knew he cared about me and I cared about him, but his words kept ringing in my head: the girl I love.

I banished that thought because I knew how consuming it felt. I wanted to take things seriously, but I had to get used to it first.

Me and Damiano went down in the living room where everyone was sitting on the couch.
'You ok?' I asked raising an eyebrow.

After a moment of silence, Meike started talking.
'I think the house is hunted.'

uhh so im a little dissatisfied with this chapter and tbh with a lot of the chapters in this book because i wrote them really fast

but today im coming back from holiday and i will be able to write more interesting chapters so pls stand by😭

stay safe 🤍

Unconditionally- David DamianoWhere stories live. Discover now