fucking hospitals

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I woke up an hour later and Meike wasn't there anymore. She left me a note saying that she had to go home and take care of her brother. She even added a little heart at the end, such a Meike thing.

I went in the living room to see Thomas reading, as usual.
'Did you cry?' he asked looking at me.
'I may or not may have cried' I laughed and sat besides him.
'You ok, Sorn?' he asked putting down the book.
'I don't know.. Damiano confessed his feelings for me last night.' I murmured.
'What? That's amazing! It was kinda the time, that man is head over heels for you!' he laughed.
'Why does everyone keep saying that? I sighed. I mean, personally I thought it was all a joke, part of the friendship you know..'
'Friends don't do that, he laughed. Do you see me doing that with Vic or Meike? No!'
'I need to talk to him.' I said confidently.
'You should. Let him know if the feeling are mutual. Are they though?' he grinned.
'Yes..' I said.

I wanted to tell him that I was scared, but I stopped myself. Meike was right. I would miss my life if I kept being scared all the time.

'Well, that's good. Life is too short, Sorn. You're 23 now, who knows what life has in plan for you?'

I nodded and he hugged me. My thoughts were all sorted out. All I had to do was talk to Damiano.

I texted him again to meet up, hoping that he would have sobered up by now.

me: are you feeling better?

damiano: a little He answered after 10 minutes.

me: i want to talk to you

damiano: im a little busy right now, maybe tomorrow?

me: if you say so.

He was avoiding me, that's for sure. Since it was Sunday, I chose to spend the day writing and went for a walk. I really was thinking about getting a dog, but at the same time the house was always full of smoke so that wouldn't be very healthy for an animal.


I was at the shop at 8am and I had a lot of customers since it was the start of a new month. People usually come and buy flowers for their loved one every Monday of the first month. I had a lot of familiar guys coming in that day.

It was 2pm and I was waiting for Victoria to come for her shift, but she wasn't there. She would skip work sometimes, but she always announced me before. It was really unusual from her not to say anything.

My phone started ringing. Damiano. I picked up after a couple of seconds.
'Close the shop and be outside in 2 minutes. Vic got in an accident.' he said and then hung up.

I stood frozen, but woke myself up to get my things and leave. I trapped over my feet a couple of times because of how panicked I was.

I saw Damiano's car pull over and I rushed to it. I entered the car and instantly hug him.
'What happened? Is she ok?' I asked, barely breathing.
'She's ok, she's at the hospital. A fucking uber crashed his car. She was on her way here' he said and drove off.

I sighed, putting on my seatbelt. Everything was moving so fast, I didn't think about me and Damiano; not even for a second. I was so confused and the adrenaline made me so reckless.

We got to the hospital and we both run inside. Damiano talked to some nurses that told him we couldn't see Victoria until a doctor approves. He sighed in frustration ans got back to me.

'They told me to wait here until we get some results' he said and threw himself in the chair besides me.
'Don't worry.. She's strong..' I said and debated on stroking his back or not, but ignored the idea.
'Where the fuck are the others..' he murmured looking for the phone.

The door from the waiting-room opened and Ethan and Meike burged in. They both looked very concerned, but Meike was just desperate. She started asking thousands of question, she was freaking out. I tried to calm her down, but it didn't work.
'I'll just tell them I'm her sister. She will let her family see her, right?' she shrugged and rushed to the nurse without saying another word.

Ethan sat besides me, sighting. Thomas texted me and I told him what happened.
'Thomas is on his way here.' I whispered and the two of them just nodded.
'I swear to god, if they don't let Meike in, I'll just burge in. Fucking hospitals!' almost yelled Ethan.
'Don't be stupid. They will let us see her soon' said Damiano still looking at the floor.

After a minute or two, Meike entered the room like a tornado.
'Those fuckers won't let me see her! I'll fucking sue them, I swear!' she yelled throwing her hands in the air.
'Calm down' said Damiano and took her hand, forcing her to sit besides him.
'Don't fucking touch me!' she yelled and shook off her hand.

Damiano looked over to me and Ethan and we just nodded. Meike was acting like that because of the stress. I knew how she was under pressure, she would panick and be a total bitch to everyone, but it was understandable.

Thomas came after half an hour. He hugged all of us, one by one.
'The traffic is on fire, it took me so much to get here. Can we see her?' he said and we all looked at him.
'No, we can't! For fucks sake, Thomas, sit down!' yelled Meike and stood up, going outside.
'What did I do-?' asked Thomas confused.
'Nothing wrong. She's just stressed.' said Damiano.

I stood up and followed Meike outside. She was sitting on a bench, smoking and tapping her foot.
'I need to know if she is ok' she started, sobbing.
'Let's hope for the best' I said and stroked her hair.

We sat in silence for a minute until Thomas exited the hospital.
'Come on! They let us see her!' he shouted.

We both looked at eachother and rushed to the entry. Damiano and Ethan weren't in the waiting rook anymore. Thomas guided us to Vic's room and when we got there Meike run to her bed.

Vic seemed ok, she had a few scratches on her face, but besides that she looked fine. She was coherent and talked to us, assuring us that she was fine. Meike kind of suggested us to leave her and Vic have their little moment in private, so we all exited the room.

Ethan and Thomas made their way outside the hospital to get coffee. Damiano and I stood on the stairs, outside, smoking.

'Do you want to talk right now?' I asked after a moment of silence.

lowkey plot twist lowkey poor vic i wanna hug her but meike can do that for me lmaoo😭 stay safe bestiesss🤍

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