straight up pathetic

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The next day, Damiano showed up to my flower shop. I didn't know how to speak to him. Overall he looked embarrassed and tried to play it cool.

'Yeah.. just the bouquet..' he said not looking in my eyes.

I didn't say anything and just wrote the adress on the note. He was watching me, hoping that I'd say something.

'Done.' I simply said.
'How are you?' he asked.
'Good. Working.'
'I see.. do you wanna hang out after work?'
'Won't Wanda be mad?' I asked ironically.
'Not if she doesn't know' he smiled and winked at me.
'I have to help Thomas pick up some books from the library.'
'I'll help too.. if you want me to. I love reading' he said slowly.
'Fine by me' I said and got back to my work.
'Okeey, see you' he said and left with a smile.

I knew he was trying to get under my skin. He knew that what he was doing was wrong and that I was dissapointed, and tried to make things better.


At 2pm, Vic entered the shop with a big grin on her face.
'Guess who is outisiideee' she said wiggling her eyebrows.
'I don't know.. Beyonce?' I said sarcastically.
'Fucking hot Damiano dude! Are you two hooking up? Don't lie to me, miss Sorn!'
'Shut up, for fucks sake, he might hear you. And no, we're friends. He's in a relationship.'
'Whaaat? Didn't they break up yesterday?' she said with a confuse face.
'Apparently no. I have to go now, see you tomorrow.' I said and got my bag.
'About that.. I don't think I'll make it tomorrow.. I'll make up to you, promise!' she said quickly.
'Fine.' I smiled and she kissed my cheeks.

I left the shop and Damiano was waiting for me, leaning on the wall and smoking. He thew the cigarette once he saw me and approached me.

'Heeey, how was work?' he asked smiling.
'Good. We have to go to the central library to meet Thomas. It's 15 minutes away.' I said.
'I can drive us there' he said and we both waked to his car.

The scent of his car hit me again. I saw a lighter with the initials W.M: Wanda Marino. It was similar to the one I had, but mine had my initials on it. Damiano noticed that I was looking at it and just smiled embarrassed.

'It's a present from her.' he said after some time.
'So original.' I laughed. I didn't want to be rude, but I couldn't just be nice either.
'What's your problem anyway?' he asked looking at me.
'Yeah, what's your problem? Are you in love with me or what?'
'What the fuck, Damiano? I'm trying to help you, but you won't accept it! Fuck off' I said and got out of the car since we stopped at a traffic light.

He called me a couple of times, but I didn't look back. He was getting on my nerves so bad. I knew he didn't mean that, it was the part of Wanda in him that was talking.


'What's up with you? asked Thomas when I met him. Also, wasn't Dam supposed to come with us?' he looked around.
'He's not coming. Let's do this so I can go home.' I said and walked in front of him.
'Sorn! What the fuck!' he yelled trying to catch up with me. I didn't even realise I was basically running.

We had to sort out some books and also return some that Thomas borrowed a month ago. The whole time I wasn't able to concentrate or do anything right, so Thomas just sent me home.
'Go, it's fine. I can do it myself. Go get some sleep' he said and kissed my forehead.

I walked home, listening to music. I wanted to punch something or someone, maybe Wanda. After she emotionally drained a man, she's doing that to me and I shouldn't even be involved in all of this.

My phone got a notification and instantly got a bad feeling.

damiano: im sorry for what i said i dont know what i was thinking

I left him on seen. I wasn't in the mood for childish talks. I got home and wrote down what happened today. I got another notification.

damiano: hey talk to me please

I don't want to.

me: you cant say that and say sorry thinking that it will make everything ok

damiano: im in front of you apartament

I read that message twice. He couldn't be serious. I walked to my door and opened it and Damiano was standing there.
The moment he saw me he entered the house and started talking and talking, apologizing. It was tiring to be honest.

'Ok, you done? I asked and he looked at me confused. You see, I thought we were friends, but you apparently you think that I'm into you. That's just pathetic, I'm sorry to break it to you.'
'I don't think that you're into me' he forrowed his eyebrows.
'Are you in love with me or what?' I mocked him.
'I spoke without thinking first' he said slowly.
'It's still fucked up. You thought about that so it means that a part of you thinks that. Again, it's straight up pathetic.' I said lighting myself a cigarette.
'What should I do?' he asked sounting desperate.
'Realize that you're being manipulated. She even came to my shop, threatening me to stay away from me.' Fuck, I shouldn't have said that.
'She did what?' he asked standing up.

I remained silent. I didn't think this through.
'Sorn, when did that happen?'
'This morning. It's not a big deal, she's not as scary as she thinks she is.' I lied again. Wanda really intimidated me that morning.
'That's unacceptable! I'm going to talk to her.' he said and rushed to the door.

I didn't try to stop him since it was my fault he knew that Wanda came to see me. Maybe that would open his eyes wide enough to see all the shit she puts him through.

He left in a rush, leaving me still on the couch, smoking. If someone would've told me three months ago that this would happen, I'd laugh in their face.

we all hate wanda 😡 anywaysssss i like how this book is going tbh
stay safe 🤍

Unconditionally- David DamianoWhere stories live. Discover now