honest sinner

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The whole situation left me with a bad taste on my tongue. I haven't seen this man for years and the simple fact that he came to my home made my blood boil. His presence only brought disturbing memories.

The moments me, Thomas and Damiano held eachother were reassuring and relatively calmed me. I felt exposed crying in front of both of them, since I always tried to make myself look unbreakable.

'Do you want me to spend the night?' whispered Damiano and I just nodded, wiping my tears.
'Look at me, Thomas, I said and cupped his face. It's not your fault, nothing is. Not my reaction and not his either. Don't blame yourself.'

He nodded, gulping and bursted out crying in my arms. I held him close, trying my best to comfort him.

'You can tell Ethan to come over if you want.' I whispered in his ear and he nodded.
'Thank you. And sorry.' he murmured wiping his tears.
'Don't say sorry.' I smiled softly.

He went in his bedroom and left me and Damiano alone in the living room. I looked at him shortly and he pulled me into a hug.
'You're safe' he whispered and kissed my forehead.

We spent some time on the couch, holding eachother. If I was him, I'd probably start asking questions, but he kept his silence. I appreciated it a lot. We heared Thomas talk over the phone with Ethan, inviting him over.

'Are you tired? It's nearly 11pm.' said Damiano.
'A little' I sighed and we both went in my room. I threw myself in my bed, holding my face in my palms.
'I know families are complicated and I like how much of a good sister you are to Thomas, but you should take your advice too. It's not your fault.' he started, sitting besides me, keeping a distance between us.
'How do you know it's not my fault?' I asked looking up to him.
'Because I know you're a good person.' he replied smiling.

Am I a good person though? I couldn't find the answer to that question. I always chose to be am honest sinner than a lying pretender, but sometimes I slipped off that track.

I brought myself back to reality since Damiano was staring at me. He looked like he was trying to read my mind or something. I pulled the blanket over us and, without thinking too much, I rested my hand on Damiano's chest. His hand made it's way to my waist, pulling me closer. I giggled and looked at him. Our faces were so close, yet so far.

And it happened. He looked in my eyes and moved slowly towards me. His tongue gently carassed my lips and I felt him grin. The teasing didn't last long when our lips pressed together. It felt new. The people I kissed before made every kiss as sexual as possible, but not him. He took his time with me, making the experience unique and just comforting.

We broke the kiss simultaneously and I burried my head in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his addictive parfume and before I knew, I was sleeping.


I woke up the next morning in the same position I fell asleep. I tried to stand up, without waking Damiano. I walked to the kitchen and peeked through Thomas's room. He and Ethan were still sleeping, face to face. They both had really full and red lips, thing that could only mean something. I laughed to myself and went to make myself a coffee.

I started reflecting on what happened the other night. Only the thought of my father sent shivers down my spine. He even had the audacity to comment on Damiano's presence. I remembered clearly how he warned him that I was no good and he replied that my father's words won't stop him from being around the girl he loved.

Were those the words he used? I can't remember, for fucks sake. He wouldn't say that, would he? Was I the girl he loved?

Love. A complicated term that people tend to not use correctly. Love means passion, adrenaline, dopamine. Did I love Damiano? Did he love me? I mean yes, I did love his presence, but the real love? I didn't even know if I was able to do that. I wish I knew what he was thinking, maybe it wouldn't be so pressuring.

I felt a presence behind me and I looked to see Ethan, standing in the doorframe of Thomas's room.
'Morning, I said and smiled. Do you want coffee?'
'Hey.. yes please' he grinned, rubbing his hands together.
'So how did you two spent the night?' I asked trying to hide my amused face.
'Uh- We watched a movie.. And then we fell asleep pretty early.' he stuttered.
'What movie?' I asked giving him his coffee.
'I- Uhh- I don't remember the name' he shrugged, smiling innocently.

I nodded, giggling. It was obvious he was lying. It was kinda funny to be honest. Meike left Ethan for a girl and now he is with a boy.
'I better go get dressed up or I'll be late to work' I said and he nodded.

I entered my room and Damiano was still peacefully sleeping. I chose some clothes from my closet and entered the bathroom when I heard him whine behind me.

'Sooorn' he whimpered.

I turned around and sit besides him, kissing his nose.
'Lower.' he said grinning with his eyes still closed.

I debated on which I should kiss him or not, so I gave him a short peck on the lips. He grinned proudly.

I rolled my eyes back, laughing. I changed myself amd when I returned he was already dressed.
'I'm driving you.' he said grinning.
'It's literally a five minute walk.' I laughed.
'Well, let's walk then.' he smiled.

Ethan was on the couch smoking and Thomas was probably still asleep. When we got outside I realised it was actually really cold.
'So are we still going tomorrow?' asked Damiano.
'Of course. I won't let my shitty dad tell me what to do. Hopefully he is in an airplane straight back to Belgium right now' I shrugged.
'Oh' he simply said.
'Sorry about it. I mean, sorry you had to see that.' I tried to chose my words.
'Don't be, I'm happy I was by your and Thomas's side.' he smiled.
'I bet you are really confused and I promise I will explain everything.'
'You don't have to, only if you want to of course. I'm here to listen, but don't feel pressured to tell me just because.' he shrugged.
'Because what?' I asked playfully.
'Becaaause I am your.. partener' he grinned.
'My partner?' I asked ironically, mocking him.
'Oh- so we are not parteners? That's why we shared an intimate kiss last night?' he wiggled his eyebrows.
'Don't say 'intimate', I laughed. It's weird.'
'That word gives me the itch, I was just making fun of you.' he laughed and booped my nose.

We got to my shop and he kissed my cheek, then left. Starting every morning like that was just so comforting and chill, I didn't want them to end. My whole days started to revolve around seeing him or at least hearing him.

hope u like it 🥳🥳 loviu stay safe🤍

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