you're not my family

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My dad was standing in front of me, smiling. My blood just froze in my veins and I felt numb, I couldn't move a finger. He was the face I wish I would never have to see again.

'Sorn!' he exclaimed giggling and opened his arms to hug me.
'W-what are you doing here?' I said stepping back, but I reached the side of the bed.
'I came to see you for your birthday! Don't be like that.. Who is this handsome man?' he asked moving his attention to Damiano.

I couldn't believe what was happening. Damiano didn't know anything about my family's deep stuff, so he was probably so confused why I acted like that. He stood up, trying to force a visible questioning smile.

'Hello, Mr. Caprio. Damiano David, pleasure to meet you' he said and reached for my father's hand.
'Oh, just call me Martino' he replied shaking Damiano's hand.
'Because your name is Di Moze now, right?' I intrerrupted their moment.
'Sorn, let's not do this right now..' he sighed.
'Do what? How do you have the- the audacity to come here without at least a warning!' I stuttered from all the anger that was building up inside me.
'A warning? Sorn, I am your dad, your family.' he said and tried to reach for my hand.
'You're not my family.' I spitted the words.
'Where's my boy Thomas?' he asked Damiano, completely ignoring what I said.
'Uh- I don't know. He should be here soon.' answered Damiano giving me a short concerned look.
'Well, I'll wait for him and then I'll head back to the hotel. I forgot how beautiful Rome is..' he said giggling in an annoying way.
'I should go.' said Damiano visibly uncomfortable.
'You probably should before it gets messy.' I murmured, but was intrerrupted by my father.
'Oh no, Damiano, stay with us! I want to know more about you! Why don't we go in the living-room?' he asked turning around, walking to the couch.

Damiano followed him, looking directly at me with a worried look. He was incredibly tense and just confused. I shrugged in frustration and sat on the couch.

'I see that you didn't quit smoking. Blah, blah, dad, it's my life, let me do whatever I want!' he mocked the younger me who once told him that in an argument.
'Stop. You're not funny.' I hissed at him

He opened his mouth to probably start arguing with me, but Thomas was just opening the door. He looked at us, raising an eyebrow.
'Thommy!' exclaimed my father and went to hug him.

Thomas looked over his shoulder to me and Damiano, giving us questioning looks. I shrugged and rolled my eyes back. He didn't seem to be enjoying his presence like I thought he would.

'How are you, my son?' he asked sitting down next to Damiano.
'Good. Why are you here though?' asked Thomas putting his backpack on the floor.
'For Sorn's birthday, of course!'
'It's in three weeks.' answered Thomas sitting next to me.
'I am going on a holiday to Peru in a week, so I thought we could spend this weekend together.'
'We can't. We have plans.' I said shortly.
'What plans are more important than spending time with your family?'
'You're not family, I told you before. You don't need to know about our plans. It's none of your bussiness, I don't know why you even came here!' I laughed ironically.
'Don't give me attitude!' he shouted and Damiano quickly took my hand into his, without anyone noticing.
'Who the hell are you? You come in my home, the home I work to pay the bills on my own! You come to see your son who- guess what- I am the one taking care of him!' I shouted back and Damiano squeezed my hand tight.
'Thomas knows thay he can come to live with me and Katerina in Belgium if he wants.' he answered completely calmed.
'I don't want to, added Thomas in a low tone. Can you stop this charade please?'
'You two made up your minds to just push me away? Did your sister implanted this things inside your head, Thommy?' he asked putting his hand on Thomas's thigh.
'Don't touch him! I shouted and stood up. Leave now! You don't get to lay a finger on Thomas after everything you did! Get out!'

Everyone was now looking at me. My father stood up, taking Thomas's hand, who was about to start crying.

'You are coming with me. I won't let you stay in the same house as this woman!' he yelled.

He walked to the door, practically dragging Thomas by his hand. He managed to shook himself and rushed towards me, hugging me. I kissed his forehead and hold him in my arms, stroking his hair. Damiano also hugged me from besides, gently stroking Thomas's back. I couldn't imagine how uncomfortable he must have felt in those moments.

'Is that a no? he asked in a fake surprised tone. And you, boy, stay away from her! You'll regret your whole life! Step back while you can!' he shouted pointing his finger to Damiano.
'Those insignificant words won't keep me away from the girl that I love.' he said, articulating every word.

My father grimased at him, then gave me and Thomas a disgusted look, before leaving the apartament. After the loud banging that the door made, I sighed in relief and the tears appeared immediately.

The three of us hold eachother for some time that felt like hours to me. The whole room was filled up with the sound of me and Thomas's sobs. I didn't want to cry, not for him, but I couldn't stop it. A lot of emotions just built up inside me and now I had to let them all go.

proud of this chapter even though its a kind of short one maybe even the shortest one in this story

i hope you guys like it bcs i had a lot of emotions whem i wrote this

stay safe🤍

Unconditionally- David DamianoWhere stories live. Discover now