he asked for it

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'Who is she?' I said playing dumb.
'Wanda Marino. She literally stalked me and found pictures from highschool in underwear and threatened me to post them', she said and I froze. I couldn't care less, to be honest, but I couldn't let her get away with it. So I found her fucking sextape with her boyfriend' she laughed.

I didn't have any words.

'Wanna see? she asked and showed me a video, but I quickly covered my eyes. That blonde guy looks like a fucking lizzard, your loss' she laughed.

Blonde guy?

'Is her boyfriend blonde?' I asked confused.
'Uhh, yes? It's Fabio Borelli, the manager of the Maserati company. The man has lots of money, but this video right here could fuck his life up' she laughed.
'Will you post it?'
'Of course not, but Wanda doesn't know what I am capable of. I just want to scare her, nothing more.'

Her phone rang and I saw Ethan's name with lots of heart emojis. She excused herself and stood up to go talk to him.

It didn't make any sense. Damiano was so proud of his girlfriend, but apparently everyone knew that she was with this Fabio dude, the one who came to my flower shop to buy Wanda roses. Were they a three-way relationship kind of thing? Was Wanda just keeping Damiano in private and Fabio at the surface? That would make sense since the night before Damiano came alone. Actually, he said she was out of town, but I saw her. How didn't he see her? How was this girl getting away with all these lies?

'You ok?' asked Meike, snapping me back to reality. I didn't even noticed when she came back to our table.
'Yeah, of course' I nodded taking a sip of my coffee.
'Well, Ethan called me and asked if I want to meet up for the first time. I need to go home and make myself look pretty, gosh. I'm so nervous.' she said rubbing her hands together.
'You'll do great, just be yourself.' I said and gave her a smile.

We paid our coffees and left the cafeteria. She promised me that we will see eachother more often from now on.

I went home and my mind was so loud, I got a headache. I had so many questions and dilemmas I didn't know how to bare with the stress.

I went straight in my room and crawled in bed. I did my usual routine: writing in my diary.


Meike is back in town. She said some things about Wanda that left me with thousands of questions. This girl is playing with everyone minds, even mine and I only saw her once.

unconditionally, Sorn

'Ciao, Damiano!' I heard Thomas's voice and my heart skipped a beat.
I opened the door to my room to see Thomas on the couch, smoking and talking on facetime with apparently Damiano.
'Hi Thomas' I heard him say.
'Sorn? When did you arrive home?' he asked raising his eyebrows and turned the phone on me so that Damiano could see me.
'Hello Sorn' I heard Damiano say and I waved embarrassed.
'I'll just go take a shower' I said to Thomas and he wiggled his eyebrows, laughing.

Why was my brother talking to him?


'You have to be kidding me' I said entering the living room after I heard Thomas say bye to Damiano.
'Whaaat?' he said with an amused look on his face.
'Are you two friends now or what?' I scoffed.
'Maybe.. I mean, yes, yes we are. Any problems, miss I-fancy-this-man-but-will-never-admit-it?' he laughed.
'You're such a kid.' I rolled my eyes and went to my room.
'I gave him your number by the way' he said and I choked on air.
'You did what?' I asked piercing him with my eyes.
'He asked for it' he simply said and I entered my room.

Once I closed door, I got on the floor, just thinking. He asked for my number, well maybe he wants other flowers for tomorrow or something.. Fuck, I had to see him the next day. I felt so embarrassed, even though I actually didn't do anything wrong.

I went on my phone and search 'wanda' on Instagram. I found her quickly. I went to her followers and searched 'damiano' but he wasn't there. I searched 'fabio' and his profile appeared.

He looked better in pictures than in reality. All his photos were with cars, with women or at fancy restaurants. He looked so superficial.

I was kind of confused by why wasn't Damiano following Wanda. Maybe he had another username that doesn't include his actual name. I went on the search bar and typed 'damiano', but I stopped myself. Why the fuck do you care so much?' I sighed and put my phone down, but got a notification.

hi, its damiano

My eyes got bigger and I stood there. I didn't know how to behave with this man since I knew the secret that could damage him.

me: hey :))

damiano: could we meet up?

It was like 7pm, but I mean maybe he neeeded something. I couldn't figure out why would he want to meet up, but I wanted to go. Just for curiosity, of course.

We set up to go to a park near the train station in Rome that was kinda far from my house so I took an uber. Damiano was waiting for me on a bench, smoking.

'Hey.. thanks for coming' he said standing up. He had a very sad look on his face and his eyes were puffy. Did he cry?
'It's no problem. You ok?' I asked and we both sat down.
'I don't even know why I texted you.. I guess I needed a friend' he said without looking at me.
'Uh, do you want to talk about wat happened?' I asked getting concerned.

After a moment of silence he looked back to me with a serious expression.

'Wanda cheated on me.'

Hey besties 😋✌🏻 stay safe 🤍

Unconditionally- David DamianoWhere stories live. Discover now