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Your P.O.V.

The next day, I woke up feeling a warm hand intertwined with mine. The blinding sunlight immediately caught my attention by the window, making me hiss quietly.

My vision was still blurry, but something felt different. I roamed my eyes around, and saw no one. When I finally looked at the person beside me, I got a whiff of a familiar scent.

As I recognized whom it was, I tried squinting my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But my actions didn't go unnoticed since she woke up, still holding my hand.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" her raspy voice sounded like melody to my ears.

I was still shocked, so when her head perked up I quickly closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

"Babyy~ I'm here now." she spoke, tightening her hold on my hand.

It felt so surreal and I was very tempted to bawl my eyes out right now. Mixed emotions were swirling in my chest, but what dominated was how much I missed her. Her touch, her scent, her voice, everything about her.

I mentally cursed myself as a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my face.

"Y/n?" her voice spoke in worry and I can't help but cry more.

Fvck this I can't stop myself now.

I removed my hand from hers and covered my crying face. I didn't want to open my eyes and see her right in front of me, and I didn't want her to see me like this.

What is she even doing here?! How did she know?! I swear if Lia--

"Hey, shhhh." she caressed my hair as I felt her land a soft kiss at the top of my head.

"Why are y-you here?" I asked in between my cries.

"No, Y/n. Why didn't you tell me?" she demanded.

Goddammit. This wasn't what I wanted to happen. She isn't supposed to know, and she shouldn't be here.

"Leave. Now." I stopped sobbing and wiped my tears, feeling the anger rise inside me.

"No. I won't leave. Not until you explain--"

"I said leave! You aren't supposed to be here, okay?! Go back to that woman of yours!" I raised my voice at her. But she didn't even look fazed for a bit.

"You are my woman." she was directly gazing into my orbs and I almost stopped breathing for a second.

"Y/n, I know I've made a huge mistake. But I still love you, I really do. If you just give me a chance to make it up to you..." she said.

I avoided looking at her and instead stared out the window. If anything, I don't want her to see me vulnerable. So I kept my strong front up.

"If you're doing this out of pity, stop. I don't need it." I coldly told her.

"I'm not. I know I messed up, big time. But I care for you, more than you think." she reached out to hold my hand, but I didn't let her.

"Your cancer, were you ever going to tell me?" I can hear in her voice how much she's trying hard to restrain her tears.

I can't answer her. Truth is, I wasn't planning to. How did she even know...

"How did you find out about this?" I questioned not bothering to give her a glance.

"Someone told me. Yesterday, I came here with her help. But you were already fast asleep." she explained.


3rd Person's P.O.V.

Chaewon and Wonyoung walked down the halls of the hospital. When they stopped at your room's door, Chaewon saw through the small glass how your frail body laid down the bed.

She couldn't help but gasp as tears streamed down her face.

Chaewon almost didn't believe it. She felt hurt, shocked, and mad. She was mad at herself for hurting Y/n when she was going through something like this.

After knocking, Wonyoung opened the door and all heads inside the room turned to them. What caught their eye, was the figure of the crying girl who turned out to be Y/n's ex lover.


"I told her." Wonyoung cut Lia off as she went inside the room, with Chaewon slowly following behind.

"What do you think you're doing here?" Y/n's father stood up with his eyes narrowing towards Chaewon.

She couldn't reply. She was just standing there, looking at Y/n's pale and sleeping figure.

Before she can take a step closer, the man trudged furiously towards her. He was raging and all he could think of was how this woman hurt her own daughter.

But as he raised his hand to grab Chaewon's collar, he was stopped.

"It's okay, Mr. Park." Wonyoung calmly stated as she held down his arm.

It was a good thing that this family had a soft spot for Wonyoung. If not, Chaewon would be doomed.

The atmosphere in the room was very uncomfortable. Y/n's father calmed himself down while Chaewon could almost tremble at the situation. But she only thought of Y/n.

"You, let's talk outside." he pointed at Chaewon and walked out, the latter gulping and following him soon.

"You have no right to cry in front of my daughter's dying state when you were the one who hurt her in the first place." he gritted out.

"I apologize for what I've done, Mr. Park. And I regret it. I want to prove not just to her, but also to you that I still really love her." she pleaded.

"And you think an apology is enough? I thought you would take care of her!" he yelled which made the people around look their way.

"I doubted you at first, and I was right. I should've just pushed Y/n to be with Wonyoung rather than be with someone like you."

The words that he spoke struck Chaewon right at the chest. The fact that Wonyoung was probably better, and that they all wanted her for Y/n. And yet, she chose her.

So Chaewon will fight for her.

"Look, my daughter loves you, and even though I think that's stupid, I respect her decision and feelings. Be grateful that Wonyoung helped you, because I will give you this one last chance to make her happy." he said.

Although her pride was scarred due to feeling inferior compared to Wonyoung, she felt relieved that she was given a chance. Now all that's left to do, is to have Y/n back in her arms again.

"I can promise you, sir. I won't leave her ever again."

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