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Your P.O.V.

"Say aaahh~" Chaewon cooed and held a spoonful of food in front of me.

I giggled at her actions and ate the food, humming as my tongue savored the delicious meal.

"How does it taste?" she asked with her smile reaching her eyes.

"It's delicious~" I answered with my eyes closed and hummed once again.

"I bet I taste better..." she muttered lowly but I heard it, so I laughed and decided to tease her.

"Oh really? You have proof?" I wiggled my eyebrows at her.

"Oh baby, I can give you solid proof at home." I wasn't expecting her to play along and wink while tracing circles with her fingers at the back of my hand.

I almost choked and felt my face heat up because of her.

"You know, let's just go back to eating instead." I cleared my throat while she only smirked before eating as well.

We were eating at my favorite restaurant, just like what Chaewon promised me. But something kept bugging me.

Her phone kept on buzzing from notifications but she wouldn't even check what it was.

"Aren't you going to check your phone? It seems important." I asked while she kept her gaze down.

"It's probably just dad..." she mumbled.

I nodded in response, knowing that her dad is a sensitive topic to her.

There are two known reasons to me as to why. First, he's her step father. They hate each other's guts. Chaewon only got the position as the heir of the company since he loves her mother so much.

Second, no matter how much he doesn't like Chaewon, he still thinks what's best for the company and for her future. That's why he forces her the idea of arranging her into a marriage with one of the children of their most loyal business partner. But of course, Chaewon disagrees.

Why? Because she chose me. Over her step father. Over the future of their company.

"It's him, that's why it's important." I told her.

She gave me a stern look before dropping her utensils at the plate.

"Did you forget what his intention is?" she asked, obviously getting serious at our conversation.

"No. It's just, maybe it's something else." I muttered, not daring to look her in the eye since I was starting to get scared by her looks.

"I don't want to waste my time talking to him." she commented and wiped her mouth with a tissue.

I didn't bother replying, since this might lead to another argument. It got quiet in our table and all I can hear is my spoon clashing with the plate and the murmurs of the other people around us. Not until her phone rang.

Her face visibly got annoyed but when she looked at who the caller was, she immediately relaxed and answered the call.

"Who is it?" I questioned, noting that it isn't her step father since she looked okay.

"It's just... My co-worker. Excuse me for a bit." she stood up and went outside to take the call.

I decided to just shrug it off and continue eating. But her giggling distracted me, even if there was a glass separating the both of us.

"Chaee~ let's go watch a moviee" I clinged on her arms while pleading her.

She was busy on her phone while we were walking down the streets. I was practically begging for her attention ever since we finished eating.

"Hmm." she blankly responded while still typing on her phone.

I frowned upon her actions. So in order to grab her attention(or maybe tease her), I jokingly stole her phone and kept it away from her.

"Y/n!" she yelled and tried to retrieve the phone from me, but I kept it on my back.

"You aren't listening to me." I reasoned out and pouted.

"Give it back!" her voice was starting to gain other people's attention.

"We're supposed to be having a date today, but you keep on hanging out with your phone." I complained while holding her off with my free arm.

"It was for work Y/n! Now give it back!" she was furious and the way she looked at me told me that she wasn't in the mood for joking.

I lowered my guard and she took the chance to get her phone from my hand.

"Okay, chill. Jeez you were the one who used to tease me a lot before. Now you can't even take a joke." I crossed my arms as she went back to her phone.

"I guess work is more important than your own girlfriend now..." I muttered, hoping that she would hear, but she kept her focus on the phone.

I was starting to get frustrated by the way she ignores me so I exhaled deeply to calm down.

"Fine. I'll go to the movies by myself." I lowkey threatened, expecting for her to snap out from her phone and start paying attention to me instead.

I knitted my eyebrows when she didn't even respond. I brushed a hand through my hair and huffed out my rising anger.

"Just text me if you ever decide to date your girlfriend instead of your phone." I angrily stated and walked to the movie theater nearby.

I went inside the building, stomping my feet as I bought a ticket and snack just for myself, since my date dumped me over a freaking gadget, or whoever she was even talking to.

As I went inside the theater, I groaned when I noticed there were a lot of pairs in the crowd. Sheesh, is now really a great time to be surrounded by couples?

I sat at my designated seat and closed my eyes to ease the stress that was turning into a headache in my head.

"This isn't a sleeping place, you know. It's a movie theater."

I immediately fluttered my eyes open at the voice who spoke just beside me. It was dim inside so it took me a while to recognize the face.

A smile made its way to my lips when I saw those familiar features on her face.

Memories came rushing through my head when she giggled and took the seat beside me.

"Wow, are you too shocked to see me that I got you speechless?" she laughed and stole a piece of popcorn from me. But I just let her anyways.

As I looked into her eyes, I remember how my heart fluttered for the first time in my life. She was the very first person to ever teach me the definition of love.

"It's nice to see you again, Wonyoung."

Yes. Her name is Jang Wonyoung, my first love.

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