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Your P.O.V.

I woke up due to the immense pain growing in my stomach once again. Today is the 3rd day that I stayed here at the house, and broke up with her. Yesterday, fortunately, I didn't have any sleep at all which resulted to me taking some pain killers to avoid this in the mornings.

But last night, well I had a good sleep. Lia came yesterday and told me to come visit the doctor. He told us that the pain was in my abdomen, because of my cancer. I was advised to take pain killers before I go to sleep in order to avoid waking up with this. But yeah, my forgetful self just forgot.

And now, groans and shuffles can be heard in my room since the pain was really killing me slowly. And before I knew it, someone came and busted the door open.

"Y/n!" the middle child among the three of us, Chaemin, worriedly sat beside me and held my shoulders.

Although I didn't want them to know about my illness yet, I really don't have any choice now, since I'm being like this in front of them.

I continued crying and moving in pain, wishing for this suffering to come to an end soon.

"The... Pain killers... In my drawer..." I managed to mutter as I held my stomach desperately.

Good thing, Chaemin clearly understood me and quickly went to the bedside table to find the meds.

As soon as she gave me the bottle, I took one out and gulped it down my throat, heaving deeply to calm myself and wait for the pill to take effect.

"Are you okay?" she asked hesitantly beside me.

"As you can see, never been better." I sarcastically replied and she let out a small chuckle.

"Okay jokes aside. What's really happening?" she sternly questioned.

I avoided her gaze and just laid down the bed, relaxing my body.

I don't know how to tell them. I'm scared of how they'll react, and most especially, I'm afraid of hurting them. But they're my family after all, they must know. And they will know, one way or another.


"Breakfast is ready." dad came in the doorway and looked at the both of us.

We nodded as he exited and went down the kitchen.

"Since your rich girlfriend just broke up with you, what are your plans now?" dad asked while we were eating.

Ever since I came home, I expected him to be welcoming towards me. But all he kept mentioning was how me and my rich and pretty girlfriend broke up. Like he was shoving into my face that he was right, and I was wrong.

"First of all, I was the one who broke up with her. And second, I didn't stick with her just because she's rich. I wasn't planning on slacking off." I scoffed.

"Answer my question, then." he continued.

I remained silent for a while, thinking if I really did have a plan, if I wasn't dying soon. Speaking of...

"I... Have something to say." I mumbled, not quite sure of what I was doing.

All of them looked at me at the same time, making me feel pressured by their stares.

"I had an incident a few days ago. Which, uh, led me to the hospital." I started.

"Hospital?! What happened?!" Hana asked, alarmed at what she heard.

"I fainted. But, good thing because I was with a friend that time." I explained, their eyes intently looking at me as I spoke.

"Who, Lia?" dad asked.

"No, I was with Wonyoung." I replied.

I was about to continue speaking, but they all grinned and exchanged glances with each other.

"Ooh, it is a good thing Wonyoung was with you." Chaemin wiggled her eyebrows at me.

Sheesh, I almost forgot how they all liked her. Aside from Lia, Wonyoung was the one I was closest to. She always visited me and my sisters whenever she can, and they all loved her. Another reason why she became my first love.

"God, could you please not? I just broke up with someone and you're shipping me with another already?" I sighed.

"Shipping? We're not saying anything. Maybe you're the one who--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence, Hana." I gave her a glare and she instantly zipped her lips while holding back a giggle.

"Okay, that's enough. Let's get back to what you were saying, Y/n." dad cleared his throat and we all silenced.

I exhaled deeply and gained the courage to tell the truth.

"The doctor diagnosed me with Pancreatic cancer." I confessed, leaving the part where he told me I had a few days left to live.

This news was enough for them to grasp. I wouldn't want them to take everything at the same time. It would be too much. I know from experience.

I heard a set of utensils drop down onto the plate as my sisters gasped at the same time.

It was quiet for almost a minute. I was just staring at my food and they were all quiet, not even moving an inch.

"Y/n... I'm so sorry." Chaemin shakily muttered, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"It's okay." I simply said.

"Is this why you broke up with her?" Hana asked, her voice as quiet as a whisper.

I sighed once again, shaking my head in response.

"Does she know?" dad sternly questioned, his hands turning into fists.

I shook my head for the second time, only to hear a smack against the table.

"You're meaning to say... She was being a jerk to you without knowing you were sick?" he lowly asked again.

"I chose not to tell her. It wasn't her business anyways." I mumbled.

Before another person can say anything, the doorbell rang, signaling that someone was at the gate.

"Oh, that's probably my friend. We're going to school now." Chaemin stated and quickly stood up to grab her bag.

"Be careful, okay?" dad told her as Chaemin bid us goodbye.

"How about you, Hana?" I asked her.

"I'm waiting for my friend as well." she answered.

"Wow, you two have separate friends going to school with you?" I laughed.

"Well before, we had Wonyoung who took us three to school every day." she retorted and I just rolled my eyes at her.

I was about to resume eating, when the door bursted open and Chaemin came in with a shocked expression on her face.

"Y/n, you need to come out." she announced.

I knitted my eyebrows in confusion, but nonetheless I did as she told me to and went out with her following behind me.

As I opened the gate, I saw a glimpse of the familiar vehicle parked in front. And there she was, standing not too far from me.

My heart skipped nervously and at the same time, my chest suddenly felt tight.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in a cold tone.

Instead of answering my question, she rushed to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me as if it was the end of the world.

My breath hitched and it was like before, the first time I held her in my arms. My heart fastened its pace and as I felt her warmth embrace me, I froze.

But I was reminded of what she did. And the reality of what our relationship has become.

"I'm not gonna ask you one more time, Chaewon." I gritted my teeth.

I tried getting her off of me, but she only tightened her arms around me.

"Please come home, Y/n. I miss you so much."

Giving Up On You (Kim Chaewon ff)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang