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Your P.O.V.

"I told you so." my father greeted me with his arms crossed.

I only huffed at him and carried my luggage all the way to my room.

As soon as I went inside, I laid down the bed and cried. All this time, I was keeping myself together and trying not to break down.

But it turns out, bottling my emotions would cause more pain. It was only sinking in to me that I just broke up with someone who I truly loved. I really thought we wouldn't be fazed by things like this, but no. I was wrong. And I am hurt.

But not just that. Now that me and Chaewon are not together, I just proved my father right. And it sucks, having to admit that what I thought was wrong, was actually right.

I never expected her to cheat on me. But my brain keeps on giving me reasons as to why she did that. Maybe I really wasn't enough? Maybe I wasn't making her happy like before? Or maybe, she just really fell out of love.

While I was sobbing in my bed, I heard a knock in the door and a little while later, a head peeked inside.

"Are you okay?" it was our youngest sister, Hana.

I gave a weak smile, although my tears opposed me. She went in and closed the door beside her to sit beside me.

"If this is about her, I just want to say that dad was wrong to give conclusions about someone. Especially if it's someone special." she explained.

I was intently listening to her, not having the right words to reply.

"But, you know, some relationships don't always work out. And it's okay to have some space." she added.

I processed everything she said for a while before replying.

"What if dad wasn't wrong, though? What if, the person who I trusted more than my own father, really did find someone on her level?" I asked, on the verge of crying again.

She went closer and rubbed my back to comfort me.

"What I know about Chaewon is that she's sweet and she loves you. But as for you, I can say that you're much more than you perceive yourself to be. No matter what level you think you are, you're special and you deserve more than this."

I looked at her with teary eyes and didn't hesitate to embrace her. Aside from Lia, who sometimes(or maybe always) scolds me for falling stupidly in love with Chaewon, my sisters are always the people who tell me things that I need to know.

I always relied on Chaewon for support, and now that she's not here, I feel like a huge part of me is gone. But maybe, this is for good.

Not only does she get to be happy by being with someone who gives her what she wants, but I'm also sparing her from the pain that's probably inevitable.

The pain of losing me soon.

The next day...

3rd Person's P.O.V.

Chaewon woke up, alone in the wide bed that now feels empty with her gone.

Usually, she would spread her arms to feel her lover's warm body next to hers. But now, only cold air and blankets can be felt.

She let out a sigh as she stood up and took a shower to start the day.

Just like she said last time, she took a leave from work. But was that really necessary, now that the person she did that for was gone?

While preparing breakfast, a knock was heard from the front door, which she soon went to.

"Good morning, baby." Chaewon was greeted by a beautiful smile which blinded her with its beauty.

Giving Up On You (Kim Chaewon ff)Where stories live. Discover now