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Your P.O.V.

"I told you, Lia. I'm fine. I'm happy with her." I spoke through the phone while pushing the cart in my hands.

"Are you sure? You know that your parents still don't like her, right?"

I groaned and grabbed a milk to put inside the cart.

"Oh please. That's why I moved out to live with her. You know how much we love each other." I sighed and proceeded to the cashier.

"Yes but sometimes, it's not just about your love. You need to consider some other things."

"Lia, if you called to lecture me for the hundredth time, I'm hanging up. I'm in the grocery right now and I need to pay." I told her before ending the call without even hearing another word she has to say.

Me and Chaewon have been in a relationship for almost 3 years now. We met when we were in 4th year college and both fell in love.

After we graduated, she was already hired in a job since her parents owned a well-known business. And yeah, they're quite one of the richest families in the country.

Despite Chaewon being almost the perfect human being that she is, my parents didn't like her. Nope, let me rephrase that. My father doesn't like her.

My parents divorced when I was only starting college and my two younger sisters were only in high school.

If there was a reason why my father hated Chaewon for me, it was because of my mom.

He told me not to trust rich and pretty people because they would just dump you for someone who was in their level. My mom was the same as Chaewon. Almost perfect.

She cheated on him. For the CEO of their business partner. That's why they broke up.

I told him that Chaewon wasn't the same, and that she loves me just as much as I love her. But he doesn't want to believe me, says that he's just protecting me.

Well, I don't want to follow him and break up with the person I love, so me and Chaewon decided to live under the same roof instead.

I told her that we would split up the monthly rent since we were both in an apartment, but she insisted that she'll pay since she wanted to prove to my father that she was good enough for me.

Now, it's already been almost a year since we started to live together. Well, as expected, relationships aren't perfect. Ups and downs are to be expected.

I actually expected that we wouldn't last a month living together. But now, we're almost a year in. And even though we would argue some times, I would find my way back to her, and she would find hers back to me.

"I'm home!" I greeted as I opened the door, waiting for a response from our shared room or on her office.

When I placed the groceries on the table, I noticed a head peek in from the door of her office and when I looked at her, she instantly gave me a smile.

"Hey, baby." she said and walked to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"How's work?" I asked while enjoying the warmth her embrace was giving me.

"Hmm~ it's hectic but I'm fine now that you're here." she cooed in my ear.

"Wow, you carried all these? You should've called me so that I told one of our chauffeurs to accompany you." she told me as she let go of the hug and walked towards the groceries.

I chuckled and went on to fix the things while she just grabbed a bag of chips and went back to her office.

"Here's your coffee, baby." I placed a mug on her desk while she was busy typing on her laptop.

"Thank youu~" she placed a peck on my lips without her fingers stopping on the keyboard.

"It's already 12, Chae. They'd understand if you just took some rest." I concerningly told her.

"You know I can't. My parents are pressuring me to take over the company and I need to keep up on some work." her gaze was glued on the screen while talking.

I just sighed and kissed her good night before going to our room and tucking myself in the bed.

I woke up and rubbed my eyes when I felt the bright sunlight peeking through the window.

I brushed my hand on the other side of the bed, expecting to feel a body next to mine. But there was nothing.

I sat up and stretched my arms, ready to go to the kitchen for some breakfast.

While I was preparing coffee, I noticed a note on the fridge, so I went closer and took a look.

Good morning, baby.
                   I need to leave early today since there's an interview I need to go to for the recruitment of new employees.
                   Have lunch without me, but I'll be back for dinner. Take care, I love you <3

P.S. Don't make coffee, I already made one for you. Your favorite ;)

A huge smile formed on my lips as I tucked the piece of paper in my pocket.

Sure, she would be busy at times since she'll be taking over their company. But she still never fails to be a good girlfriend for me.

And she never forgets to remind me how much she loves me, through little things.

And that's enough for me. As long as we love each other, everything's fine.


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