Ch. 14

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Publisher on this app: _One_Above_All_

Sasuke woke up with a pair of strong arms wrapped around his waist. He felt a warm breath hit the back of his neck, and he
slowly turned around in the soft pillows. The familiar sleeping face of his boyfriend greeted him, and he smiled lovingly at the sight.

He untangled his arms carefully from around him, careful not wake him, and rose from the bed. They had done it a couple of times now, and he did not feel too sore anymore. Sasuke grabbed a pair of boxers, sliding them on along with a t-shirt. Yawning, he walked towards the kitchen.

The sight of Itachi reading a newspaper and drinking his morning coffee greeted him. Sasuke's eyes widened in horror, and his lips parted. Itachi looked up from what he was reading, gracefully sipping his tea while maintaining eye-contact with his brother.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, ototou. Why did you hide from me that you and Naruto were in that kind of relationship?"

Sasuke felt his face heat up, and he knew he must have looked like a ripe tomato. With an embarrassed sigh, he averted his gaze.

Well, this was the worst.


"Oh, believe me, you will like this one, he is exactly your type!" Jiraiya said cheerfully on the other end of the line. Naruto hummed skeptically, making his way out of the crowded train as he gripped the phone tighter.

"What do you mean 'exactly'?" He was on his way to meet his date. It felt weird, to go on a date with a complete stranger, as it was not something he would usually do. However, he was willing to give it a chance, after all, he wanted to get his mind off a certain someone.

"Hm... You like pale skin and dark hair, no? I know it gets you going..." Naruto blushed uncontrollably at that. It was embarrassing that his old man knew what turned him on.

"Uh... so what?" He walked a bit quickly, trying to find the café he was going to meet his date in and end this awkward conversation. It was not the first time Jiraiya shoved porn and perverted stuff in his face. It was embarrassing nonetheless. He ran a dating website, besides writing best-selling porn books, and he often took note of the gay guys that looked like Naruto's type.

"This one is like that."

"Well, that wouldn't take much. This is Japan after all," Naruto rolled his eyes and sighed. It was hopeless, but he would do this. "Anyway, I'm almost there, talk to ya later." With that, the blonde hung up and put his phone down his pocket.

When Naruto neared the café, he started to look around. He was told that his date was going to wear a white hat and a red jacket. That should stand out enough, as he made sure his date knew he was wearing orange. He also made Jiraiya inform him that he was blonde, which was a rare sight.

A strong, yet comfortable smell of chocolate filled his nostrils when he pushed the heavy wooden door entrance. The aroma reminded him of the times he used to take Menma on coffee shops, and how his boy loved sweet things. It instantly woke some nostalgic memories.

Naruto looked around, the place was not particularly big, and he eventually spotted a guy sitting alone facing the window. The male was resting his chin on his palm, gazing out the window, which made it a bit hard to make out the features of his face. He was clad in a tight crimson jacket, but was not wearing any white hat. Eventually, Naruto noticed a hat lying on top of the table, next to the boy's pale knuckles.

Looking around, Naruto found no one in this room fitting the description more than that particular one, so he went for it. Flashing on a bright smile, the blonde male approached the young man, looking forward to having this date with him.

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