Ch. 6

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Publisher on this app: _One_Above_All_
Naruto groaned heatedly into his boyfriend's flushed ear as he slammed his slender body against the toilet stall. Sasuke was for once not complaining that they were in school as he kissed the blonde with everything he had, nipping and sucking his tongue into his mouth.

They started sneaking into the boys' toilets to make out a lot during school hours. Mostly, it was Naruto who dragged Sasuke into it, but the raven had to admit the thought of being caught at any moment really excited him.

"Ahh, fuck..." Naruto groaned as they parted, spit connecting their tongues as he attached his lips to the pale throat in front of him. One of Sasuke's legs went around the blonde's hips, pressing their groins together as ragged breathing escaped the two.

"Babe, I just love you so much..." Naruto licked his neck, receiving a pleasured gasp.

"Nhh... Naruto... please... Let's just skip class and go to my place..." Sasuke suggested, for once not prioritizing his studies. Naruto just hugged his lover, feeling overwhelmed with love for this boy.

And that was the day the two boys felt like they were truly everything for each other.


Sasuke sighed gently as he helped a little toddler fix her hair. It was just another normal day at the kindergarten.

"Looks like someone has a serious crush on Sasuke-kun," Ino giggled as she passed by Menma happily drawing. The black haired boy had two other kids surrounding him as he clumsily drew an adorable picture of himself and Sasuke.

"Such a cute drawing," Kiba hovered over the kids, joining Ino as they teased the Uchiha indirectly. Sasuke frowned unamused at the two, too busy helping one of the little girl. The group in the corner started giggling, and Menma was bragging proudly.

"I am going to marry him and we will live in a crystal palace!" He exclaimed with his arms in the air. The two adults never stopped laughing as Menma continued chanting happily. Sasuke rolled his eyes, not showing any of the kids that of course, and tapped the girl's head once he finished. He turned to the annoying group.

"But Menma-chan," Kiba tried to suppress a giggle. "Are you the bride?" Ino almost exploded laughing at Sasuke's change of expression upon hearing that question.

Menma looked up at the dog-lover, determined. "No! Sasuke-nii is my bride!"

That was all it took for the two adults to burst in laughter. Sasuke had a faint pink flush on his cheeks as he approached the noisy group. He crossed his arms in front of them. "What is going on here?"

The two just acted innocent and left quickly, still giggling between themselves.

"Look, I made this drawing of us!" Menma's eyes shined brightly as he proudly stretched his hand out to the feisty male. Sasuke arched a brow, but did not hesitate as he reached for the sheet. There were so many emotions going through him as he looked at the drawing. Menma had drawn a clumsy yet cute picture of himself and Sasuke.

At the center of the sheet was a drawing of the two. Menma had given himself the birthmarks and messy black hair and blue eyes, but he did draw himself much taller. Sasuke had a blush on his cheeks, his eyes big and black with a small frown.

Sasuke wondered why he decided to draw a blush on him. Do I blush?! But the thought soon vanished and was replaced with a really heart-warming feeling. It was very cute of Menma to draw this. Sasuke grew even more fond of the little boy.

"Wow, you're really good, Menma!" Sasuke gave him the drawing back and tapped his head. Pride swelled in the younger boy's chest at the smile he received from the raven. If it was not for the teasing he would hear from the annoying pair later, he might have thanked Menma.

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