Hide and Seek, when the other person isn't nessacarly looking for you

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*Nico's POV*

Once Nico was sure Harry was asleep and the house-elf was gone he rolled over to face Will.

His boyfriend had slept through the entirety of Harry's little exchange, beside Nico.

Nico knew where he must go, what he must do, now the only question remained was, should he wake Will?

He thought of how Will had believed himself to be useless, and would just get in the way. Maybe this would prove him otherwise.

Because Nico had been telling the truth when he'd said he needed Will.

"Will! Wake up!" He hissed, shaking his boyfriend.

"What?" Will mumbled into his pillow.

"I think I know where another Horcrux is!" That got him up.

They were out the door in less then three minutes.


"How did you know it's here?" Will asked once they stood infront of the blank wall Dobby had told Harry about.

"There was a house-elf talking to Harry, Harry asked for a room and the elf, Dobby, was his name, mentioned this one. Basically no one knows about it. But I would bet Percy's blue pancakes that Tom Riddle did."

When Nico had held the skull for the first time he had been shown glimpses of the locations for each of Voldemort's Horcruxs.

The ruins of a house

A room filled with millions on millions of things.

A black, unrecognizable pocket

Clusters of gold and other valuables

A slimy corridor

And, that very room, the potions classroom, Harry Potter

He knew that at least two of those were in Hogwarts. Harry and the locket.

The locket in his pocket.

But he was sure there was one more.

And he was sure he'd just found it.

Dobby had said to concentrate on what you needed, and what Nico needed was a Horcrux. More specifically, the one in the room of things.

That was what he concentrated on, that image, while clutching the skull in a tight grasp.

He had found himself able to summon it at his will, even if it was Dumbledore who had kept it.

Nico squeezed his eyes shut, walking past the wall three times.

When he heard Will gasp on the final turn he opened his eyes to see a highly polished door had appeared. Nico grinned and marched forward, grabbing the brass handle and pulling the doors open.

Just like the vision, it was filled with all sorts of things. Portraits, book, globes, walls and walls of things, having stacked up over the ages.

It was like a giant maze of the past.

"Don't touch anything." Nico commanded Will as much as himself. The room seemed familiar.

But not the familiar that brought the feeling that he had been here before. It was the feeling that he had been or seen a place very similar to this. But not this.

Filled with items, some magical some not. . . A junkyard, a junkyard for the gods.

"No no no." Nico muttered, reaching back for Will.

Will seemed to have realized this comparison at the same time as Nico, because he knew, Nico had told him. Told him what happened there, even if he himself hadn't been there. He had dreamed it.

"It's okay, alright, let's just get the Horcrux and get out of here."

"Do not touch anything." Nico said again, much more forcibly. "Don't."

"I won't, Neeks, okay, I promise." Nico still had his eyes shut but he could practically feel Will's worried gaze on him.

"I'm fine, okay, wait, I can feel it. Come on, it's this way." Still with his eyes closed Nico maneuvered his way through the maze, using his other senses to tell him where an obstacle was.

He was used to doing things without sight. He trained like this, every day, with a blindfold on, with a very, very sharp sword. This, for him, was child's play.

He knew when he had found it.

Slowly Nico opened his eyes, he stood beside a very large cabinet.

A vanishing cabinet, his brain, Hecate's blessing, supplied .

But before him was a crown of sorts, with a oval shaped sapphire in it's center.

A diadem, The Diadem of Ravenclaw.

It had been lost, Nico knew, and now it no longer existed.

The excursion had taken all of ten minutes. Nico was beginning to think he had over estimated this 'all powerful dark lord'.

"Are we going?" Will asked, touching Nico's shoulder reassuringly.

Nico paused, he had been looking forward to leaving this room. But he needed to find out what Potter was up to. At the very least his curiosity demanded it. Nico pushed away that small part of his brain that pointed out that his curiosity was one of the main reasons he was put in so much danger.

Nico smiled.

"No," He said, Will looked over at him, hand already on the door. The question already forming on his lips.

"We're not?"

"No, well, yes, we're leaving. But then we'll make the room into something more convenient for us to stay in. Then we'll wait."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait for Potter to find us."

I feel like it's been so long since I published a chapter. But it really hasn't been. 😝
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Vote, comment, share.
Until next time,
Word count: 843

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