More Quidditch, joy

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*Harry's POV*

Harry was immensely confused.

He had followed Dobby's instructions exactly, he had paced infront of the exact wall three times thinking of what he needed,

We need somewhere to learn to fight. . .
Just give us a place to practise. . .
Somewhere they can't find us. . .

But nothing had happened. Harry had stood there, staring dumbly at the wall, waiting for something to happen.

Gradually people started to show up for a meeting that was becoming less likely, by the second, to actually happen.

"I think we should just go, someone's going to get suspicious, Harry." Hermione hissed at him but Harry shook his head.

"I don't get why it's not working."

"I said before that Dobby's plans don't tend to--"

"I don't need you to say 'I told you so', Hermione, alright?" He snapped, hands gripping his hair in frustration.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, mate," Ron put in from his spot seated on the floor, cradling his injuried hand.  "I mean, teaching other kids defense against the dark arts. Could that really end well?"

"Not you too?" Harry groaned, "It was your guy's idea in the first place!"

"Actually it was really just Hermione's." Ron pointed out.

"But, I just--" Harry leaned his forehead against the wall, where a door was supposed to have appeared.

"Wait, maybe it's because someone's in it!" Hermione pointed out. Harry turned around, about to point out that Dobby had said very few people knew about it, so the chances that someone would be in it at the exact moment they needed it was very low when someone from the growing crowd shrieked.

He turned around just in time to see a door appear and open, and a smirking Nico Di Angelo to step through.


*Nico's POV*

Nico and Will had been sitting there for a infinitely amount of time before Will turned to him his face red and opened his mouth, voice slightly strained.

"Uhh, Nico?" Will wasn't sweating, but he seemed nervous. Nico frowned.


"I--um, gods this is awkward."

"What is it, Will? You're going to make me nervous. Spit it out."

"I want to do more." Nico stared at him blankly.

"Didn't we already have this discussion?"

Will was beat red now,

"No, I--er. Do you ever think about, um, more then kissing." Nico was red now too.

"Um, what?" They had never talked about this before. Sure they had slept together, but normally with all their clothes on. No, always with their clothes on. Well, except for that one time a few days ago, but they hadn't done anything. They hadn't even touched each other.

"Keep your hands to yourself." Nico remembered his mother scolding him.

"I--er, I understand if you don't want to, I just, thought it was a topic we should probably at least talk about once." Did Nico want to, with Will, with anyone? He wasn't sure. He'd never really thought about it much. If at all.

"I-- I'm not sure, Will, if I'm ready, if I ever will be." Will nodded, content with this answer.

"It's okay, you know, if you uhh, don't want to. I just thought we should talk about it." Nico smiled, curling up into Will's side. He felt Will slip an arm around his waist, snuggling his face in Nico's hair. Nico sighed, content.

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