Didn't you read the sign that said not to steal? Nah, I have dyslexia.

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Warning: sort-of self harm (it's done in a professional manner and the character doesn't do it to hurt himself, rather to use the blood that will be drawn." Does that make sense? I just felt the need to include this as a warning. 😅

*Nico's POV*

Nico was really getting tired with seeing Harry, Ron and Hermione gaping at something surprising he had done. Or, in this case, something his father had done.

He hadn't really thought about what would be in the vault, his father, god of the dead and riches, had set up.

Nico guessed he was just lucky a bunch of dead bodies hadn't fallen out.

But what he got wasn't much better.

Actually, Nico would have preferred the dead bodies.

The goblin had Nico put the engraved key into the circle opening, fitting perfectly. Then he brought out a blade.

Nico recoiled.

"You'll need to spill some of your blood, Master Di Angelo, it is required to open the lock." Harry gasped, before clapping a hand over his mouth. Nico sighed internally.

Always the drama queen, my father.

Nico wished he could say that it took a lot of effort on his part to cut himself. But, it really didn't.

In seconds the door was swinging open and, this time, it was Ron who gasped.

Because, well, as Nico had said before his father was a major drama queen. And drama queens don't really mix well with being the god of wealth.

But, well, there you go.

The walls were made with fine gold engravings. Jewels stuck at all angles throughout the walls. Skulls decorated with gems lay scattered across the room. There were even a few skeletons.

But the main attraction was the piles and piles of gold and money.

It wasn't all wizarding money either, it was money from all across the world. Some  that Nico had never even seen before.

"Where the bloody hells did this come from?" Harry breathed in disbelief. Nico didn't turn around to look at them.

"My father's rich, very rich." Like god of wealth rich, Nico thought, but, of course, he didn't voice this particular set of thoughts.

"No shit, Sherlock." Ron snorted.

"Mr. Potter would you like to go to your vault now?" The goblin asked, still in the cart.

Harry hesitated, eyeing Nico's vault for one more moment before nodding hesitantly.

"Ya, let's go."

The moment the cart had zoomed off Nico turned to Will.

"So, do you want a ruby encrusted throne for Christmas or a diamond one?" Will snorted, shoving Nico playfully.

"So much for no vault, huh?"

"Oh buzz off." Nico groaned shoveling some of the wizarding coins into a small sack Mrs. Weasley had given him but that he had honestly not expected to use.

"So what about this Horcrux?" Nico frowned. He wasn't able to tell where it was even with his increased powers, but he knew it was there.

"I-- I can't sense anything, well, I can but just not where it is. And I don't think the skull will be able to travel this far so we can't use that. But I seriously doubt it's just going to be laying around in some bo. . . " Nico trailed off, but in his head he continued his sentence: ' . . . in some box.' What had his father's letter said? 'Some might require you to think outside the box to get to them.' Think outside the box.

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