Chapter 8

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:-) last night it was snowing and sleeting and today the sun is out and i feel good. hope you enjoy... oh and dont forget to drop me a line ummm kayyyyy.

I had just walked in the door with the boys as my work phone dinged. Hmmm. A text message at this hour. I wonder what could be going on.

Ms. Gonzalez, I apologize for my abrupt exiting tonight. I felt like such an ass for disrespecting you like I did. I hope you have a great night and I will see you bright and early in the morning. Oh and by the way, I will arrange transportation for your children to and from school or daycare starting tomorrow morning. Oh and I could get used to those lips. -LH

I didn't realize my six year old was calling me.


"Yes Dorian" said as I turned to him still dazed and confused.

"Can we have a snack before bed?" he said as if he was an angel. Ha! He is sweet only when he is asleep. I turn to look at the other two children and they stare at me with hopeful eyes.

"One snack and then go brush your teeth and off to bed you go," I stooped to my two year old's level, "Understood Israel?"

"Ehh Ma'am." He answered with the biggest and brightest smile I have ever seen. How could anyone just up and leave these three beautiful faces? Oh I know who, my ex Javier.

"Emmanuel, por favor ayuda a tus hermanitos, please. Make sure they don't make a mess ok."

"Yes ma'am."

Who does he think he is? He can't kiss me like he did then leave me high and dry, well more high than dry because I creamed my panties big time. I needed a shower.

Thank you so much sir for your hospitality but we will not be needing transportation seeing as I have a vehicle. I have very much forgotten about our little mishap and I assure you that it will never happen again. The last thinkgbthat I want is to be unprofessional. I certainly can't afford to lose my job. Good night sir. Oh and you have nice lips too... For someone else.


A few seconds later.

I insist. The car will be by in the morning around 7:15. You may come in afterwards. If you would have told me that you have children I would have allowed for you to come in later. Oh and as for the kiss I hope it does happen again.

I can't believe this man. What does he now think he can be my knight in shining armor?? No I don't need another one of those types. All men are the same. They will love you for a little while but that's it. Well I don't need him. I don't need anyone.

Thanks but no thanks, sir.

And I put the phone on my night stand by my bed and went to check on the kids. Just as I suspected. Teeth were brushed and they were just about ready to say their prayers. I couldn't have asked for better children. I think that's the only thing I am grateful to Javier for.

Prayers and good nights were said and kisses were delivered. I showered as fast as I could while trying not to think about him. So much has happened today and I feel like my sheets were serenading me.

My phone buzzed on the night stand. I went to check it and I had 4 messages from him.

I will not take no for an answer. Don't forget I am your boss.

Emmanuel and Dorian go to school and Israel to daycare correct?

Why are you not answering me, Leigh?

How in the hell did he know this? Just when I was about to answer him my phone started ringing.

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