Chapter 6

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Sometimes I think I work myself into a tizzy. I mean it's not like I'm trying to. Or maybe I am just naïve. Whatever the case is he is way too close and if he comes any closer we would be touching.

"Ms. Gonzalez I just wanna give you a little advice before we head in." I think I may have stopped breathing. I wonder if he knows what kind of effect he has on me. " These men can be ruthless. You are here to work for me and not them. Don't give out any information and please refrain from drinking alcohol. Like I said we are here in a professional manner, not for our own pleasure."

But i want to be here for my own pleasure. He confuses me more and more. His door opened and he put on a smile and held out his hand to help me out of the car. He was such a gentleman. Even if it wasn't real. There were people around yelling questions and taking pictures.

"Mr. Haynes is this your newest fling?"

"Mr. Haynes I thought you only dated models why jump the fence?"

I stopped in my tracks. That stung worse than a bee sting. He had noticed I had stopped walking so he turned to me and whispered in my ear. "Don't let what they say get to you. You look beautiful and they just want me to make a statement. Just smile and keep walking."

He grabbed my arm and guided me inside. I actually began to feel better once inside.

Rich people have amazing taste. This place was like something you would see in a movie. It reminds me of Pretty Woman. Piano music in the background as waitor and waitresses turned up their noses at anyone who looked like they didn't own at least $1,000,000. Snooty bastards!

We had made it to our table and I saw a face that I know I have seen before. I know that man but from where.

"Gentlemen, good evening. I would like for you all to meet my assistant Leigh Gonzalez. Ms. Gonzalez this is Harold Mercher, he said his salutations. Donald Rainey, he knodded. Jase Smith, "hello gorgeous. May I say that if you ever decide that he is too big of butt to work for I would hire you in a split second." Ok I blushed. I couldn't help it. I never got compliments.

"Hey go find your own assistant you scumbag" Logan said in a not so kidding tone. What is up with him? The guy was just being nice.

"Ms. Gonzalez and this is Dean McGregor." As I shook his hand I froze. I knew he looked familiar. We just stared at each other for a minute.

"Its nice to meet you Mr. McGregor." I whispered as quickly as possible while reclaiming my hand.

"Leigh Johnson. From high school. Its me Dean. Do you remember me?" I looked over at Logan And he was shooting daggers at Dean. He was ticked off for some reason. How do I play this out? Do I say yea I remember you. I had the biggest crush on you until you laughed at me in the cafeteria and made me socially crawl into a hole? No so I am gonna play it cool.

"oh yes I remember you. How have you and the Mrs. been?"

"Sad to say there is no longer a misses. Its so good to see you again after twelve years. We should catch up."

"Ok" Dean grunted, "Can we get down to business?"

All of the men began to chuckle as the waiter pulled out my chair for me to be seated. He began to pour champagne for everyone but when he got to me I quickly turned it down and glance at my boss. He seemed pleased. I do know how to follow directions.

As they talked, the food was being served. How did they know I liked shrimp? This place will never cease to amaze me. If I could afford it, it would be my new favorite place to eat and to bring the kids.

Logan glanced at me various times throughout the night and every so often whisper if I was ok.

As the night went on I noticed we have had dessert and no one has brought up nothing about their businesses. I could be home watching Scandal. Tony Goldwyn was much older than me but that man was fine. Every since I watched Ghost as a child, I thought he would be my "husband".

I must have zoned out because the night was coming to an end.

"Gentlemen it has been nice but I think its time for me to retire for the evening. Dean you can come by anytime just check with my assistant..."

He glanced over at me.

"Better yet just text me."

"Ok. How about tomorrow?" He asked while glancing in my direction.

"Check in with me next week. I have meetings all this week." At that time he stood and I believe that was my cue to get up. I was thankful because I was bored out of my mind sitting here wasting my time listening to them talk and playing eye tag with Logan and Dean.

We all said our good byes and as soon as we were out of the building and in the car he turned to me and said, "how do you know Dean McGregor?"

That completely took me by surprise. "Like we said we went to high school together. He was the popular guy and I was the outcast. Nothing more."

He looked relieved. He confuses me and for the rest of the ride he didn't say anthing else. We pulled up outside of my apartment and it was still kinda early. I thought I would go pick up the kids before it was too late.

As I stepped out of the car he followed. I'm not a baby and the door is about fifteen feet from the car so I don't need help going in.

"Ms. Gonzalez thank you for your presence tonight I will make sure you are paid for it since you did go as my assistant."

"Your welcome sir. That's what I am here for."

He didn't move. He just stood there and without warning he leaned in and kissed me. Not just any kiss but the kind that said undress me now type of kiss. He caught me off guard and before I could protest I found myself rapping my arms around his neck.

His lips felt like silk and he smelled of white wine. Riesling to be exact. One of my favorite wines. Before I began to deepen the kiss I pulled away. We were both trying to catch our breath and he was about to lean in again until I said, "I'm sorry sir but I must go get my kids. I think you should leave."

He flinched as if I had slapped him square on the cheek. "Kids?" he said in disgust? As if children were the filthiest thing on this earth.

"I never knew you had kids," he said more to himself than to me, "how did I miss that?" without a word he turned and got back in his car. If I thought I have felt rejected in the past, I couldn't have felt more rejected and alone than I did now watching his limousine drive away.

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