Chapter 2

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ok so not my idea of perfect but I thought I would give it another go. so give me some feedback ok and i hope you will enjoy. Oh and this a picture of Leigh and her size.

You know what it's like to walk by your crush, then you slip and fall flat on your face or better yet when you smile at someone and they point out that you have something green in your teeth?

Well I would take that any day compared to the look that one of the most powerful men in America, Logan Haynes was giving at the moment. I think I may have stopped breathing because I began to see stars.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean anything by it. Am I fired?" It was like word vomit. I said the f-word. How will I raise my children now? With the benefits of this job I can actually find a bigger place, buy a car and still save for all three children's college tuition. I never knew that personal assistants made so much money.

He sat back in his chair rubbing his chin. "You know something Ms. Gonzalez, I have never had anyone to remotely say anything like that to me before. You most definitely are not fired and I will pay you the common courtesy of looking at you when speaking. Is there anything else you would like to say to me?"

What else could I say? Um yes sir you are incredibly sexy and I would love more than anything than to rap my legs around your waist and you take me here on the desk. Maybe afterwards you, me and my boys ride off into the sunset... ok well I can't say that. So I squared my shoulders and put on my poker face and calmly said "no".

The rest of the day went by smoothly and only had to go to his office a total of 7 times. I know 7 seems like a lot but according to Ms. Dana that was considered a light work day. I picked up my bag and lightly tapped on his door and stepped in. He was tapping away at his computer. "Um, excuse me Mr. Haynes but I was about to leave and wanted to know if you needed anything."

He stopped typing and turned to give me his full attention. "No Ms. Gonzalez that will be all thank you." As I turned back to the door to leave he said "thank you for today" he said with a smirk, "I will see you bright and early in the morning." And just like that he turned to his computer and continued working.

I wonder what time he leaves everyday. I mean he must have a girlfriend. He appeared on all of the magazines and everyone knew he was a multibillionaire. I must say I am pretty lucky to have this job. He is so good looking he makes me weak in the knees.

Come on Leigh you are a grown woman with 3 kids and you are fat. No man like him would ever want you. Ughhh!! I always wanna think that someday the good looking guy will fall for the big boned girl. Well it won't happen in this reality nor the next. Men like him fall for the skinny waist women with mile long legs.

But I can dream can't I? I mean I can go home, bathe the kids, give them dinner, do homework and put them to bed then I can will grab a bottle of wine and lose myself in my thought of being his. Yea that's the plan.

I took out my crll phone and dialed my mother.

"Mom, please have the kids ready I am on my way."

"Baby don't you worry about them, get you some rest and you can pick them up tomorrow. Besides they are already in bed. Your father and I are here to help you. We all know that your dead beat of an ex-husband won't. If he were here now I would-"

"ok mom" I chimed in because if not she would go on and on about him. I hated him. "Give them a kiss and I will be by tomorrow for sure. Thank you and I love you." And with that I started my car and was about to pull out when I noticed a figure walking towards me.

Where is security when you need them? As I begin to panic and unlock my cell phone I heard a tap on my window that made me nearly jump out of my skin.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you. I was wondering since I kept you so late on your first day if you would like to grab something to eat?'

I sat there frozen. He asked me out to eat. Me? The last man that invited me to eat married me, knocked me up not once but thrice, called me a fat slob and left without so much as a goodbye handshake.

I must have taken longer to answer because he cleared his throat and began to shift from one foot to the other. Is he nervous? Nah couldn't be. But I can't just say no to the boss... I'm not gonna overthink it. But what if people stare? So I squared my shoulders like I always did when I tried to act brave and answered....

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