Chapter 25: Worry

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I wake up with no one by my side. I furrow my eyebrows looking around the room, yawning at the same time. "Vinnie?" I say a bit loud. I got no answer. He was just cuddling with me not that long ago what..

I get out of the bed, looking at the time on my phone. 9:34 am. Vinnie has been busy all week, I've been waking up without anyone by my side and it's making me upset. I sigh heading over to the bathroom, seeing the door closed. I open it revealing a Vinnie fixing his hair, while he was all dressed up.

"Vin, what are you doing?" I ask, going to him and hugging him. He didn't hug back, as he was still focused on his hair. "I'm doing my hair" he says a bit quiet. "I have a meeting today with someone, so I need to look presentable" he says. I groan rolling my eyes and getting off him. He turns his head smiling at me, he kisses my forehead, walking back into the room. (Why tf do I keep imaging y/n character as Olivia Rodrigo, I love her)

"When are me and you gonna have a lazy day, just in bed watching my favorite movies?" I ask him loud enough so he can hear me. I pull out my toothbrush.

"Well we can't today baby, I have a big day" he says loud enough so I can hear.

I roll my eyes as I brush my teeth. I see him walk back into the bathroom. "I'm a busy man okay? I'm a mafia boss come on now" he chuckles. I rolled my eyes again. "Dont roll your eyes at me" he says flicking my head. I groan, finishing up with my teeth.

Once I was able to talk, I used my mouth.

"Can you please skip this meeting once! You have important meeting almost everyday and we can never hang out or spend a good day together fully" I say. "I understand baby and all I ever ask for is for me and you have a full day together alone, I would absolutely love that..but unfortunately it doesn't work that way when I'm apart of a Mafia" he says.

I huff out leaving the bathroom. I jump back onto the bed, pulling the sheets over me. He comes back into the room, sitting beside me on the edge, rubbing my head. "I'm sorry" he says. That's when his watch goes off, as he looks at it clicking something.

He stands up. "I have to go..I'll see you soon baby" he says, kissing my lips. "I love you" he said before heading out the door.

A few seconds later he barges back into the room. "You didn't say I love you back!" He says sounding like a kid. I playfully roll my eyes giggling. "I love you too Vincent" I say. He smirks leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

A smile forms on my face , as I get comfortable again. I close my eyes.


It was now 12 pm and I was laying still in bed, watching a Netflix show called Cobra Kai. (Great show btw)

I haven't seen Vinnie since he left to his meeting which is somewhere in this house. I'm not sure what my dads doing, I haven't seen him either. Amelie brought me a PB&J this morning with apple slices on the side. She's the best. Breakfast in bed is amazing.

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. I snap out, getting off the bed. I then realized, I didn't have a shirt on. I got hot in the middle of the night so I took it off leaving myself in my sports bra. Which I sometimes wear on to bed, not all the time.

I grab my shirt off the floor, putting it on. "Come in!" I say.

I lay back down on the bed, as the person enters the room. It was my dad. "Hey dad, good afternoon" I smile, pulling the sheets over me and pausing my show. "Hey good afternoon sweetie!" My dad says, sitting on the edge of the bed. "How have you been? You've been in bed all day" he says. "Yeah I just wanted to have a lazy day with Vinnie..turns out I can't even do that" I say, with a frown forming on my face.

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