Not cool Y/n...

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(after the war with Gunmar) y/n is male, sorry....

Claire's pov

"Hehe, yeah I can't believe we made it! And not to mention your nearly dieing, that was so funny" i laughed. Jim chuckled a bit. Toby rolled his eyes, smiling. He was currently stuffing his face with food. Y/n just sat their, wrapping a cut on his arm with bandages. "Yeah, remember how we almost all died- when?! We always nearly die" jim added as toby ate a donut. I looked at Y/n. "Yeah and remember when Y/n nearly tripped, about to fall into the little tornado of dark magic" i chuckled. Y/n clenched his fist, making me confused. "or when you jumped out of the portal, as if you were trying to pop out of a invisible bag" toby laughed. Jim chuckled, trying to drink water.

"Oh so its funny that Claire nearly died with morgana in the portal?!" Y/n said, slamming his fist on the table. We all stayed silent till jim spoke up. "Calm down y/n, its not that bad. It kinda funny now- NOW it is but THEN its wasn't, stop acting like its 'funny' cause its not!" I looked down a bit. "Were just joking- OH SO IF WE JOKED ABOUT YOUR DEATH OR JIMS IT WOULD BE FUNNY?! THIS ISN'T A GAME CLAIRE!" Y/n yelled. I looked at a bit guilty. Why was Y/n acting like this? "Don't yell at Claire, she didn't do anything wrong, y/n" jim stood up, crossing his arms. "Oh so joking about death is funny? Okay then how about i joke about vendle's death!" Y/n stood up and pushed Jim. Jim growled. "Y/n..." Toby said, about to grab him. "NO! HOW ABOUT I JOKE ABOUT DRAAL'S DEATH! WHY NOT ABOUT HIM? YEAH CAUSE IT WAS SO FUNNY!" Y/n fully pushed jim away, using a bit a of magic. i gasped a bit. Toby paused in shock. Jim growled more. "Yeah its funny! In fact why don't we joke about your family abandoning you! Or how your mom died because of bular! Yeah so funny!!" jim yelled. Y/n froze.

"h-how could you-HOW COULD YOU?! for once Y/n were actually having a good time but you had to take it seriously" Jim interrupted. "Well at least i care- we all care! We always do put sometimes we just need to joke around" i added. "Im sorry but i just want to keep you guys safe from being abandoned or being hurt!" "How could we get hurt?!" Toby said. Y/n finally had enough. he hit the table, making it crack a bit. We fell in silence. Then i saw multiple water droplets, supposedly tears, fall onto the floor and table. "Y/n..." Jim came over to pat his back. "you wana know why i never joke around? Because this world doesn't take joked, this world never has good in it, it always has a way to bring us down, always finds a way to make happy endings seem like a fantasy, and it is..." Y/n wiped his face then stood there, leaning against the wall a bit. "Not all is bad, i mean we have each other" i added. Y/n shook his head. "im leaving for college, jim needs to leave with the trolls for New Jersey, you probably are going and Toby will still be heading to me, we all will separate" "that's not true- DON'T YOU GET IT! NO ONE WILL BE FRIENDS AFTER THIS!" Y/n yelled at Toby. Toby looked at the floor. "Not everyone will separate, we all love eachother and care" Y/n shook her head. "That's what they want you to believe" Jim shook his head. "that's not true" "then why did your dad love you so much but he left!? Trust me, humans just act like they love you, they act like they'll be there forever but then one day they back all their all stuff and leave, taking their love with them, and leaving there magical 7 year old son behind to defend for himself!" Y/n yelled at Jim. We all just stood there in silence again. "this isn't the Y/n i know..." Jim mumbled. I looked at Y/n. He looked down and grabbed his bag and staff. "then you never knew me at all...have a good trip to New Jersey James..." Y/n then walked out the door. Jim stood their then was about to run out the house but then sun was out. *hiissssss* i ran over to jim and pulled more inside. His whole arm glowed blue as the grayness disappeared. I hugged Jim then looked up, Y/n was standing there, looking a bit quilty. "You okay?" Jim nodded. We both stood up and looked out the door. Y/n wasn't there anymore?

(Peace!!!!! Also what should i call you guys?)

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