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"I don't know what's your matter with Mason and Why you wanted to go away with all this. But please, Don't. I know I am younger than you and have no right for lecturing you but the thing is I can't see my family's insult. If you had runaway, everyone would have think bad about our family. They would have insult us that our bride is missing. You tell me, what would have been the condition of brother?" As she ended her sentence, I was not in the position of facing her. 

For a second, if I think without being a selfish girl, She was right. 

And after that, the consequences? Mason would have tried his best for searching me and then killed me.

"Jess I am really sorry... I... I was not thinking at that moment about all this... I.." I didn't realized when I started crying and she hugged me. 

"Hey calm down, It's ok. I am here." She rubbed my back . Just then we heard a knock on the door and We both looked at the door at the same time. 

"Missed me, Bitches?" There were standing my best friend, Alice.

"Alice?" I called out her name with surprise. I got up and hugged her. 

"How are you?" We both asked in unison and laughed.

"I am good." She told me and turned to Jess. "By the way, Jess, Your mother told me to call you both downstairs. Shall we?" 

We all came out of the room and started getting downstairs, and then I realized the reason of everyone wearing blue. 

The hall was completely decorated with blue decorations. The tables were covered with blue sheets, the flowers and lighting, even balloons, all were blue too. But they all were the light shades, unlike my dress. 

The family members and the guests were wearing sky blue dresses and tuxedos. There were around hundred people and then I spotted him. 

Mason was in tuxedo of dark blue colour, like my dress. 

I was walking down from the stairs with Alice and Jess on my sides. My eyes were fixed on the man who is soon going to be my fiancé and husband after a week. As if he sensed my presence, he looked at my way. 

Mason's POV

I was talking to some of my known business men, whom I have invited for the engagement. They were happy about it and asked so many questions about how I met Emma and who is she? I just told them that she is a doctor taking care of Rose. She used to come here daily and we fell in love. 

Well, the story was not a complete lie but they bought it. 

I was just having a talk about my work to them when my eyes fell on the stair.

There she was, coming downstairs looking gorgeous. I couldn't help it but stared at her. Somehow she was already looking at me and our eyes met. I don't know what was happening to me at that moment that I didn't want to stop looking at her. 

And when she reached downstairs, Rose hugged her. I saw them from some distance. Her eyes somehow held some sadness, nervousness and maybe guilt? 

My trail of thought broke when Luke decided to start the function by taking mike in his hands.

"Good Afternoon everyone. I hope you all are enjoying the party so far? Today my brother is getting engaged, Finally... I am happy for him that finally he decided to settle up completely, otherwise I would be getting married before him." all laughed at his statement. 

"Hey! 31 is not that old." Jessica shouted from few steps away and went near him and snatched the mike.

"Being a little sister, I always used to listen to their over protective sides but my brothers are great. And Mason finally doing something for himself made us all really happy. Being an elder son of the family, Mason have really did a great job by handling everything by himself. Now as Emma is going to be a part of our family, I guess this will surely gonna dominant his soft side which no one actually sees." as she said this, Luke snatched the mike and Jess scowl at him. In return he just stick out his tongue at her to tease her. 

Love : The Necessary Evil (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now