Thirty Five

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"No... no... I won't listen to anyone, Everyone out." Jess literally pushed everyone out from the room. 

Manhattan Beach. That's where we are getting married. I did not know that until morning. 


I wake up and saw that Mason has already left. I did not like it. I wanted to see him beside me when I wake up. Thankfully that would be possible from the next morning. I did not show my disappointment about it. It was my wedding day, I should be happy.

 I had just came out from bathroom when I saw Jess already waiting for me. She was already ready. So I wonder if I was late for my own wedding. 

"We are leaving in ten minutes. Wear anything comfortable cos after getting into that white dress you want be comfortable much." She said and looked at the clock o the wall. it was  8 o'clock.

I wore a simple pink gown and do minimal makeup.  After that we both came out of the house.  I did not see anyone in the mansion. They must have already left. It was just me and Jess here. We also left in her car. 

After 30 minutes of drive, when we missed the Church behind, that's when I asked her that where is she taking mew. She did not answer. 

"Hey, Has everyone already left for the venue? I did not see anyone. I am not late for my own wedding, am I?" I said out of anxiousness, and she laughed. 

"Well technically yes, everyone left and we are reaching there in last, so we are late." 

"Great" I sighed.

"Well, do you know when did Mason woke up? We slept together last night I was hoping..."

"You guys what?" She laughed in disbelief again interrupting me in between, "You slept together?"

"Oh fuck! That's not what it's sounds like, I mean yeah we sleep together in my room but we didn't... we did not do anything except sleep. Now focus on the drive." Damn, I should use my words wisely. She took a totally different meaning of it.

"Oh c'mon. It's not a big deal. You guys are getting married. You are being so nervous about it as if you are not gonna rip each other out on your honeymoon period." She laughed again. I felt heat rising up on my cheeks. 

We didn't realise how time flew away and we reached the venue in 90 something minutes. 

We entered the resort and recognised the place 


When we reached the room where I was supposed to get ready, Rose, Mrs. Williams and Luke were already their with some makeup artists and designers. 

Jess technically pushed the family members out and closed the door. She helped me get ready.

Saying I was nervous would be an understatement. 


"Seeing all this arrangements and everything, the happiness and specially the treatment a groom receives,  I feel like I should get married bro." Luke said with a serious face, which actually made me laugh. 

"I won't comment on this." I bit my lips in order to control more laugh. 

"Okay so sir.. now let's go. Everyone is waiting for you to come.  " He left after saying.

I fixed my bow. I was wearing a black pant, black shirt with white tux. I fixed my hair once again and left with my dad. 

I saw the decoration. There were beautiful flowers everywhere. I have never felt this happier before. 

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