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Emma's POV

After having our dinner completely, we came back home. During the drive back home, I continuesly asked about the plan but he didn't utter a word. He just said that would tell me when we reached at home. I waited for the ride to get over. There were two emotions running through my veins, curiosity and fear.

Curiosity, as it was my first time that I am doing something like this. I felt adventurous. Something I was going to do for our city. Just like something patriotic. And that was the reason I was fearing for. I was signing an agreement for death of my life, eventually. In other words, I was ready to play with my life. That life which I had given to my love, my Shane. That's the reason I am ready to do anything. Anything beyond limits.

Even if this cost my life.

We reached at our little home and I went inside our room to get changed. Dresses are not the thing in which I am comfortable with. I like baggy clothes. And if I am not going anywhere, then I will prefer my PJs at home. So comfortable.

I changed into my baggy top and a short Pj on. And made a bun of my hair. I came outside the bathroom and saw that Shane had already changed his clothes inside our room.

"So tell me the plan." I crossed my hands in front of my chest and tapped my right foot on the floor, with weight on my left one.

He chuckled. "Little eager, aren't we?" He then came closer and snaked his arm on my waist, pulling me closer to his chest. And then, we were just inches apart. He lift up his free hand on my face and brushed it on my cheek before running it on my neck and then freeing my hair from that bun which I'd made. I shook my head a little to free my hair completely.

"I can't wait." I bit my lip after whispering those words.

"Can't wait for.. what? To listen the plan or the other...... things?" He trailed off and I think a little before answering.

"What if I say...both?" I raised my chin a little to get a look in his eyes. His eyes was showing a lot of love, care and...lust.

He smirked and then take hair from my neck in his fist and smashed his lips into mine. A blush crept up on my cheeks and felt his lips twitched a little. He smirked again in between the kiss.  he caught me blushed. 

I kissed him back. Devouring myself into it. The kiss was not soft yet eager, rough. He pushed his tongue inside my mouth roughly. His tongue move around my mouth freely like it owns the place. I did the same. Tasting each and every part of his mouth. The aggression he was showing into it was making me restless. I felt that sensation between my legs and pulled apart from the kiss after licking his bottom lip.

He frowned a little at my sudden reaction but soon that frown changed into something else at my next move. I take the hem of my shirt into my fist before pulling it apart and threw it aside. Next thing I know was Shane doing the same and grabbing my thigh and taking me towards the bed. He kissed me again. Tracing his lips from my lips to my jawline and then to my neck. Sucking a spot their. I know this would left some hickeys here and there after some time. He traced some line of kisses near my cleavage, sucking and nibbling there. My breath hitched in when he bite their.

And soon things started getting hotter and hotter.

( A/N: Okayyyy, now give them some privacy guyssss)

I opened my eyes and looked at that handsome man with whom I was cuddling with. A smile make its way on my lips and turned into blush at the sudden thought of what had just happened.

"What are you smiling at?" He asked while hugging me more closer to him, making our naked bodies touch at every inch.

"Nothing. Just.... nothing." I can see the amusement on his face at my answer but he let it go with the topic he started next.

"As i said before, he is a Mafia. We need some proof against him and you will took all those proofs to me." He looked at my face, as if asking for my permission to continue.

"Go on." I said.

"Jis grandmother is taking some medication from you. I got to know about this from our sources." I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"Who? I have a lot of patients. Who are you talking about?" I asked restlessly.

"Ms. Rose Williams her name is." I listened at the name carefully. That was the name of the lady who came into my cabin with that rich aura.

"Yeah, I remember. She is suffering from the knee pain. She is having her next appointment with me on Monday." I explained this to him.

"Yeah I know. The plan is you need to gain her trust. You will have to go into their house, with the excuse of her therapy. That lady is nice and sweet. She will help you to enter in their house. And then just go with the flow and find some proof against him." He explained me the plan.

It is not that difficult, it is?

"No it's not that easy as it seems." He answered my thought. Am I actually started thinking out loud?

"Now you are scaring me. Tell me what's the problem with it." I demanded.

"He don't let anyone use their Phones inside." What?

"Then how I am supposed to contact you?"

"Hey hey calm down. I will give you a transmitter. That will help you to contact me." He then leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"How to use that?" I asked, now I am getting so curious about each and everything.

"Oh lord Emma, how many questions will you ask in the middle of the night? It's 12:13 now. Get some sleep. We have two days together before the execution of plan. We will talk about each and everything." He glanced at the wall clock before telling me all this.


"No buts, no ifs. I am currently so fucking tired and exhausted. Will talk about it tomorrow?" He asked raising his brows questionly and I nodded in response. He then switched of the lights from the switch lying behind the night stand of his side.

I got up from the bed earning questioning look from him, I mouthed him 'washroom' before going inside it. After cleaning myself up, and wearing my clothes I get on the bed and cuddled with him. He had also wore his boxers now.

"Good night love." He said and I responded with 'good night' before drifting into sleep.

Our lives going to take an unknown turn for which we have to get ready ourselves.


Hey... So I tried writing something steamy for the very first time. And tbh I am not that comfortable writing these stuffs. So I stopped it in middle. So that would make that this story is still okay for young readers.

Secondly, so sorry guys. I litrally forgot to publish this yesterday. I had to go somewhere and when I came back, I totally forgot.

So I guess..this chapter was a filler?? I still can't find the difference between fillers or main chapters.

Hope you guys liking this story as much as I am liking writing it.

Let me know in comments.


- SR

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