Chapter 3 (Hyung's boyfriend)

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(At the airport)

I inhaled the breeze as I wheeled my bags to the exit of the airport. I was about to go to the taxi waiting for me when an idea popped out my head.

I kinda want to prank them.

I took out my phone and called my dad to tell them my flight was postponed to surprise them later.

For five years of being away with my family is literally a nightmare for me. I woke up everyday having to make my meals or buy them my own. I began to cook my food and I am not doing well with it. But eventually, I learned.

The labor is not the hardest part actually. The hardest part was the fact that I won't be seeing my brother on a daily basis anymore. I will miss him and the moment I landed in USA, he called me making me miss him more.

I love my brother more than anything else and living for years without him beside me, I don't know what to feel.

I know this is for my future and Jungwon also must learn to be independent but the time where it is still my first day, it was torture.

Anyways, my dad answered the phone and I saw them smiling, waving at me and behind them is Jungwon. I can see how he has grown in five years and I'm so proud. He's still so adorable but he's gorgeous as well.

I greeted them in my pretend to be disappointed voice and I can see how they believe me.

I want to tell them it's a prank but Jungwon left as he cried.
I want to smack myself.

"Dad mom. . it's a prank. I'm on my way home now. . . oh my . .is Jungwon ok? I'll be there in a few"

Mom and dad just laughed at me as I enter the taxi and asked the driver to drive me home. I tried to call him again but he's not answering.

He's still as sensitive and emotional as ever.

I remember those times when we would call via Skype, I want to reach out to the screen to touch him but I know that's impossible. He was not able to visit me for five years because according to my dad, the universe prohibited it. I also am not able to go home because I was so busy.

I am so excited because finally I will be able to hold him and hug him not anymore on the screen. I will be able to see him up close and talk to him without staring at a screen.

When I got home, I ran to my parents for a hug as they congratulated me for graduating and successfully completing my training. My mom told me to check on Jungwon so I ran to his room and indeed he's sulking but I smiled when I saw he's looking at his photo book where our photos were kept.

I stood there as I simply admire him. He was only 13 when I left to the US and he wouldn't let me go at the airport almost canceling my flight. I can still remember how hard he cried when the plane doors closed and how much I cried when I entered the plane until when I landed. I was with my dad that time making him comfort me.

When I reached my unit, I immediately called them but mom said Jungwon was asleep. Because of time zones, I can't really just call them but eventually, a schedule was unintentionally set to when I will or they will call. I can sacrifice my sleep on weekends to talk with Jungwon. Eventually, we got the hang of it.

The moment I made my presence known, I almost lost my balance when he jumped to me as he sobbed on my shoulders wetting my shirt.

He's just so adorable at the moment and he felt so light.

Has he been eating?

I wrap my arms to hug him as I also missed him so much. Not being with him for that long is really making me want to hold him more.

After him crying on my shirt, he finally let go before cutely wiping his nose with his sleeve which I notice was one of the hoodies I got him for Christmas.


After settling in and fixing my room, I cuddled him to sleep as I felt really tired of my trip and I just want a good night sleep. I deserve that after five years of almost no sleeps. I did get some sleep before but with Jungwon, it's not like the other.

I manage to wake up first and I immediately smiled when I saw him still cuddled up to me. I got scared at first that he might not want to do that anymore because he's all grown up but I'm glad he's not feeling awkward about it. In fact he seem to not mind at all.

I also got scared before because a friend of mine was close once with his brother and now, they can't even speak with each other.

I got scared when I heard that but seeing Jungwon still cuddled up beside me made me at ease that we're still ok.

I stare at his face as I brought up my hand to his face. I can't believe he is now a grown up. Well what do I expect right? It's been five years. Jungwon and I don't have that much of an age gap, just four years but seeing how he still looks like a baby despite being 18 made me feel old.

How did he manage to maintain his soft skin?

He slowly moved from his sleep making me remove my hand from his face and close my eyes again. I want to see what he's up to.


I heard him softly whisper but I didn't move.

I almost moved from my spot when I felt him scoot a little farther from me.

But as his hands made contact with my face, I almost smiled. He seem to be doing to me what I had done to him moments ago, simply admiring the face.

But he suddenly stood up and I heard the door open and close.

I sat up about to follow him but my phone rang.

I smiled when I saw the caller.


"Hey no need to shout. I just woke up"

"I told you to call me when you got home, you had me worried"

"Oh . . sorry about that, my bad. . "

"By the way, I will hang up soon, I still have to fix things . . bye for now"

"I see. . alright . . see you"

"See you soon baby, love you"

"Love you too. . "

I place my phone on the desk before following Jungwon.

If you're wondering, the one who called is my boyfriend and yes, my family is about to meet him.
I hope Jungwon will get along with him.


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