Ch. 28

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“Itachi&Kisame… Do you still remember the Massacre?” Sasuke asked, holding onto a cup of coffee.

“Yes. I do. Though, seems all of Konoha has almost forgotten the details from what Naruto-kun gotten from the Hokage.” Itachi&Kisame sighed, also holding a cup of coffee. “If you still want revenge, I understand. I will not be surprise everyone in the clan will revive with no memory of me as all my records have been replaced over with Naruto’s avatar. Only you will probably remember me as your brother… Or is it sister with being stuck a girl?” Itachi&Kisame sheepishly laughed, a crooked smile on her face.

“No.” Sasuke grimace, I don’t want revenge when Hamelin made what you did seem like pure mercy. “I just want the truth. Why did you kill everyone?”

“You know this is probably the most awkward time to be asking this.” Itachi&Kisame said, pointing out the fact they were both hiding out in a tiny makeshift kitchen. Outside the small building the two were in, many people were busy building up Santa’s Workshop or working on crafting items within makeshift workshops.

“I know. It’s just I want to ask in case you do forgot, but… Naruto’s a slave driver.” Sasuke groaned, taking a sip of his coffee. He’s worse than Hamelin. He had Touya, Isuzu, Shika, Shino, and I change our sub-class to Apprentice and been working us to death. We are either out helping capturing monsters for supplies or crafting till we drop.

“Naruto-kun is on a level of his own. I don’t even think he has slept last night for sure.” Itachi&Kisame chuckled, “Though, I am amazed at how merciless Shiroe-kun and Naruto-kun are. It makes me feel even less of a ninja than I did before.”

“Hey, back on my question. Why did you kill our clan?” Sasuke snapped, glaring at his now sister.

“Coup.” Sasuke’s eyes widen while Itachi&Kisame put her head back against the wall. “I won’t get into why our clan was wanting to do it since they won’t remember. However, do not hate Konoha for it. The Hokage was doing everything he could to keep it from happening. I only went with his advisors with finding a bigger threat and convincing it to kill our clan instead of Konoha.”

“A bigger threat?” Sasuke asked, looking at Itachi&Kisame in horror. So, our own clan was the cause of their demise? I was heading the same way. Did Ita-No… She thought she was doing the right thing to get me to focus on revenge. She gave me a goal to get stronger… But, not to kill her. To be strong enough to face that threat once I killed her. Sasuke grimace, looking at his reflection in his coffee.

“Sadly, I can’t even remember it’s gender. All I can remember is it was the caused for the Fox to attack Konoha 12 years back.” Itachi&Kisame said, sipping her coffee. “Like Naruto-kun said, the two worlds are wiping out the threats from the Noosphere and giving them a second chance in a new form or life. However, I was in the wrong taking on all the hate with killing our clan. I thought I could bare all the responsibility on my shoulders and protect both Konoha and you… Only, I did not realize I was just playing right into other people’s plans and possibly making things worse.” Itachi&Kisame frowned, her eyes watering up.

“Itachi&Kisame, did… Mom and Dad say anything before they died? Did they know they were going to die?” Itachi&Kisame looked at Sasuke with shock. “I’ve died several times already. It’s… scary. I don’t think I will ever get used to it. Every time I feel like a failure.”

“Indeed. I, too, know that feeling… Though, it’s better than what else I been through,” Sasuke looked back at Itachi&Kisame, shocked to see tears going down her face and trembling. “They knew. Our father knew the clan had no chance, yet no one would allow Father to take them off course. He told me he was proud of both of us before I killed Mother and him… But, how is that true when I wasn’t even able to protect myself let alone anyone else?” Itachi&Kisame sobbed, barely holding onto her coffee.

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